TDC : Invitation to conference call regarding 4Q 2016 results

Udgivet den 20-01-2017  |  kl. 15:04  |  

TDC will conduct a conference call for institutional investors and analysts on February 3, 2017 at 14.30 CET to present the Q4 2016 results.

Pernille Erenbjerg, Chief Executive Officer, and Stig Pastwa, Chief Financial Officer, will comment on the results and answer questions during the conference call.

The investor and analyst conference will be held in English and will also be available as a webcast a

Investors and financial analysts can register for the telephone conference on the following link:

Registration for this event will enable us to provide you with faster and more efficient service. When you have completed registration, you will receive an online and e-mail confirmation. Your confirmation will include the details for the conference call such as dial-in number, an event passcode and PIN that will ensure your secure access on the day of the event.

The conference call will refer to a slide deck that will be available on the link: from February 3, 2017 at approx.12.00 CET. Participants wishing to derive full benefit from the conference call should obtain these slides in due time before the conference call begins

Please note that there might be a time lag between the webcast and the conference call if you are simultaneously watching and calling in to the conference.


         TDC A/S
         Teglholmsgade 1
         0900 Copenhagen C

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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