Allotment of restricted stock units to board members and executives in SimCorp A/S on 8 March 2016

Udgivet den 09-03-2016  |  kl. 09:12  |  

In pursuance of the Danish Securities Trading Act’s section 28a, please find below a statement of transactions under securities identification code DK0060495240 – SimCorp A/S.

The announcement is based on the allotment of restricted stock units to the company’s Executive Management Board and to the employee elected members of the Board of Directors (as employees in SimCorp A/S) on 8 March 2016.

Restricted Stock Units:
In accordance with the remuneration policy approved by the shareholders at the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors on 23 March 2015 undertook to grant restricted stock units in SimCorp A/S. The restricted stock units vest with one third after one year, one third after two years and one third after three years, subject to continuing employment.

Name Position Transaction date Transaction type Number of shares Price (DKK)
Klaus Holse Chief Executive Officer 08.03.2016
Allotted restricted
stock units
2,434 744,609
Georg Hetrodt Chief Technology Officer 08.03.2016
Allotted restricted
stock units
1,402 428,900
Thomas Johansen Chief Financial Officer 08.03.2016
Allotted restricted
stock units
1,315 402,285
Raymond John Board member 08.03.2016
Allotted restricted
stock units
323 98,812
Jacob Goltermann Board member 08.03.2016
Allotted restricted
stock units
500 152,960

The shares are traded at NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen.

Questions regarding this announcement may be addressed to Thomas Johansen, CFO, SimCorp A/S (+45 3544 8800).

SimCorp A/S

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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