Heijmans and Staedion sign The Hague Southwest restructuring agreement

Udgivet den 18-12-2018  |  kl. 06:20  |  

Heijmans and housing association Staedion have signed an agreement to develop an urban planning vision for The Hague Southwest together with the municipality of The Hague, to restructure and renovate the neighbourhoods Zichten, Dreven and De Gaarden. Earlier this year, the municipality of The Hague and Staedion announced their intention to give these three neighbourhoods a boost as part of the initiative to restructure The Hague Southwest.

The partnership in part means that Heijmans will contribute its knowledge and expertise relating to area and project development in support of the planned renovation of these neighbourhoods.

Diverse and Future-Proof
The parties want to invest in these neighbourhoods to make them more diverse, climate and future-proof, and improve connections with the city. The renewal of these neighbourhoods will also give considerable attention to social cohesion. Over the coming 10 years the housing supply will be significantly expanded, whereby the current number of approximately 1,200 social rental homes will remain the same and at least 3,000 owner-occupied and private-sector rental homes will be added. In addition to improving the housing supply, the plans also focus on redesigning the public space and expanding educational and other social, cultural and commercial facilities.

Focus on liveability and a healthy living environment
With its projects, Heijmans contributes to creating green, healthy and liveable districts and neighbourhoods. The partnership with Staedion to restructure the neighbourhoods in The Hague Southwest is in line with these goals. Heijmans was previously involved in the transformation of city centre areas, such as Kooiplein Leiden and Katendrecht Rotterdam. Together, Staedion and Heijmans are already working the same way on the transformation of the Energy Quarter in The Hague.

About Heijmans 
Heijmans is a listed company that combines activities related to property development, building & technology, roads and civil engineering in the areas living, working and connecting. Our constant focus on quality improvements, innovation and integrated solutions enables us to generate added value for our clients. Heijmans realises projects for private consumers, companies and public sector bodies, and together we are building the spatial contours of tomorrow. You will find additional information at our website: www.heijmans.nl.

About Staedion
One in seven homes in The Hague is owned by Staedion. As a housing association, Staedion rents over 36,000 homes and 6,000 other objects, such as shops, business premises and garages in The Hague. Our mission is to bring an own home within reach together with our residents. Staedion offers affordable homes for people with a vulnerable position on the housing market. A focal point in this respect is safe and quality living. Our aim is to ensure that all of our residents feel at home. We cannot do this alone, but do this together with residents and our social and other partners.

For more information / not for publication:

Rik Hammer
+31 73 543 52 17

Marte Brouns
Communicatie Staedion
+ 31 6 83 58 14 25

Guido Peters
Investor Relations
+ 31 73 543 52 17


Press Release


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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