Norsk Hydro: update on cyber attack

Udgivet den 20-03-2019  |  kl. 07:39  |  

Hydro has made progress in securing safe and stable operations across the company, following an extensive cyber attack that hit on Tuesday.

Hydro's technical team, with external support, has succeeded in detecting the root cause of the problems and is currently working to validate the plan and process to restart the company's IT systems in a safe and sound manner. However, it is still not clear how long it might take restore stable IT operations.   

As communicated on Tuesday, Hydro was subject to an extensive cyber-attack, impacting operations in several of the company's business areas.

Following detection of the problem, Hydro isolated all plants and operations and switched to manual operations and procedures. The main priority continues to be to ensure safe operations and limit operational and financial impact.

"I'm pleased to see that we are making progress, and I'm impressed to see how colleagues worldwide are working around the clock with dedication to resolve this demanding situation and ensure safe and sound operations," says Hydro's CFO Eivind Kallevik.

"I would also like to complement our external technical partners who have done an important job in supporting our efforts, and also relevant authorities, who handle the issue with the diligence it deserves," Kallevik says.

Most operations are running, ensuring deliveries to customers according to specifications, with some more manual operations than normal.  

Update on operational status

Energy: production running as normal

Bauxite & Alumina: production running as normal

Primary Metal: Production running as normal, with higher degree of manual operation

Extruded Solutions: Lack of ability to connect to the production systems have caused production challenges and temporary stoppage at several plants. Progress has been made, with the expectation to restart certain systems during Wednesday, which would allow for continued deliveries to customers.

Rolled Products: Lack of ability to connect to the production systems have caused limited operational impact. Progress has been made, with the expectation to restart certain systems during Wednesday, which would allow for continued deliveries to customers.

Hydro still does not have the full overview of the timeline towards normal operations, and it is still to early to estimate the exact operational and financial impact.

Work to resolve the situation and ensure safe and sounds operations remain top priority, with internal and external experts on duty continuously to ensure that all possible efforts are being made.

Investor contact
Stian Hasle
+47 97736022

Press contact
Halvor Molland
+47 92979797

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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