SIMEX (OTC: ARGB), an infrastructure software platform

Udgivet den 22-04-2019  |  kl. 12:00  |  

LAS VEGAS, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- President of SIMEX Inc., Vassili Oxenuk says: Today, we can see the number of platforms called crypto exchanges has exceeded any reasonable number. Thus, investors wishing to participate in the development of the growing and promising crypto industry, it is difficult to understand the competitive advantages of such platforms. It is especially strange to see how investors contribute in projects that promise to do what has already been implemented in other companies and even works. We have created a product that meets all needs of the crypto market and any licensed company can simply take advantage using our software for a particular activity.

SIMEX Inc, the corporation that has created a multifunctional platform implementing functions listed below and currently existing company could perform as an investment bank and crypto exchange, looking to enter markets and cover as many jurisdictions as possible. In that aspect, SIMEX STO tokens sale is aimed to raise funds to obtain all types of required licenses. It is also ready and open to consider partnerships with all interested institutions that possess such licenses.

SIMEX as the multifunctional platform, which is an independent infrastructure solution software that can function as:


- opening and maintaining private and corporate accounts;

- lending functions;

- issue of debit and credit cards;

- intrabank transfers and international transfers in existing eco systems, including cryptocurrency.

Broker Dealer (investment bank):

- market making and trading functions for all types of stock trading;

- automated projects launch pad with following listing (including digital assets) in order to attract capital in both classical money and cryptocurrency;

- management of private and corporate accounts with the function of investment adviser;


- listing functions for all types of commodities, both classical exchanges and crypto industry instruments;

- all types of trading with the ability to integrate third-party trading programs and robotised strategies;

- IEO offering, for selected projects only;

SIMEX - financial intermediary:

- functions equal to PayPal, Western Union transfers.

All SIMEX functions can be implemented as SaaS as a box solution.
At the moment SIMEX provides services for customers only outside of US.

Vassili Oxenuk also added: Thus, we, as a product, can already function as any of the above stated institutions in the market, within the cryptoindustry market and beyond, considering this with our investors we follow the path of licensing all these functions: banking, broker-dealer, stock exchange. It is important that now we have this product on the market. And there is no need to spend more money on its creation or development.

Contact information:
Headquarters: 2300 West Sahara, Office 400, Las Vegas, 89102


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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