Report from the Annual General Meeting 2019

Udgivet den 29-04-2019  |  kl. 14:31  |  

The Annual General Meeting, led by Chairman of the Board Carl Bennet, decided to:

adopt the annual accounts for 2018discharge the members of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer from liability for the financial year 2018according to the proposal in the summons, distribute a dividend of SEK 2.90 per share for 2018. The record date for the dividend is proposed to be 2 May 2019 and it is expected that the dividend will be disbursed by Euroclear Sweden AB on 7 May 2019.for the financial year 2018 grant, according to the proposal in the summons, the Board a remuneration of a total of SEK 4,204,000, including reimbursement for committee work, to be divided among the members as presented in the summons,appoint, according to the proposal in the summons, the following members to the Board until the next Annual General Meeting is held in 2019:
Carl Bennet (re-election)
Pam Fredman (re-election)
Dan Frohm (re-election)
Erik Gabrielson (re-election)
Linus Karlsson (re-election)
Cecilia Lager (re-election)
Anne Lenerius (re-election)
Magnus Nilsson (re-election)
Johan Stern (re-election)
Caroline Sundewall (re-election)appoint, according to the proposal in the summons, Carl Bennet as Chairman of the Board,approve the proposal given in the summons to re-elect the accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers as company accountant,the nomination committee until the next Annual General Meeting will be formed and perform the duties according to the proposal in the summons,adopt the proposal for the remuneration of senior officers made by the Board in the summons, andapprove the proposed changes to the Articles of Association made by the Board in the summons.

In his speech CEO Magnus Nilsson described Elanders' current offer including new business and the opportunities and challenges the Group is facing. He emphasized the importance of Elanders prioritizing margins over growth. Focusing more the right kind of business and on value-adding services to customers is the way to improve margins.   

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting will be available on the company website as soon as they have been verified.

Elanders AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

Carl Bennet, Chairman of the Board, Phone: +46 31 741 64 00 or
Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, Phone: +46 31 750 07 5


2019-04-29 Elanders Press Release - Report from the Annual General Meeting 2019


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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