ClariVest Asset Management Promotes Gashi Zengeni, CFA, to Assistant Portfolio Manager

Udgivet den 02-06-2020  |  kl. 12:45  |  

San Diego, June 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClariVest Asset Management, an investment management firm and affiliate of Carillon Tower Advisers, is pleased to announce that Gashi Zengeni, CFA, has been promoted to Assistant Portfolio Manager. Based in ClariVest's San Diego headquarters, Ms. Zengeni will continue her work in the area led by David Vaughn, CFA, Chief Investment Officer for Non-U.S. and Global Strategies at ClariVest.


Ms. Zengeni joined ClariVest in late 2015 from Russell Investments, where she worked as a Research Analyst responsible for the evaluation and selection of emerging and frontier market investment managers. She previously worked as a portfolio analyst assisting the Emerging Markets Portfolio Management Team in London.


"Gashi brings a unique dimension to our non-U.S./global investment processes at ClariVest, due to her knowledge of other investment managers, European and EM background, her diligence, and her ability to organize and synthesize qualitative information from a number of sources," Mr. Vaughn said. "We are really proud of her success at ClariVest and fully expect it to continue into the future."


"Gashi's rare combination of quantitative and qualitative strengths make her a great resource for the ClariVest investment team," added ClariVest President Tiffany Ayres. "We are excited to have her grow her career with us and take on the responsibilities that come with this well-deserved promotion."


Ms. Zengeni earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Bristol University, UK, and has attained the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.


About ClariVest Asset Management

ClariVest applies a behavioral-based investment philosophy in seeking alpha for clients. Our time-tested investment process combines quantitative tools with qualitative work to capture the return potential created as investors react inefficiently to significant shifts in a company's fundamental growth cycle. Portfolio managers work as a cohesive team to manage multiple equity strategies across geographies and the market-cap spectrum.


About Carillon Tower Advisers, Inc.

Carillon Tower Advisers is a global asset management company that combines the exceptional insight and agility of individual investment teams with the strength and stability of a full-service firm. Together with our partner affiliates - ClariVest Asset Management, Cougar Global Investments, Eagle Asset Management, Reams Asset Management (a division of Scout Investments) and Scout Investments - we offer a range of investment strategies and asset classes through multiple vehicles. Our focus is on risk-adjusted returns and alpha generation. We believe this lineup of institutional-class portfolio managers can help investors meet their long-term business and financial goals. Ultimately, our structure allows affiliated investment teams to focus on what they do best: managing portfolios. Visit






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