Change in Marimekko's financial reporting dates in 2025 

Udgivet den 06-11-2024  |  kl. 05:55  |  

Marimekko Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 6 November 2024 at 7.55 a.m. 

Change in Marimekko's financial reporting dates in 2025 

Marimekko Corporation changes the publication date of its Half-year Financial Report for January-June 2025. The new publishing date is Thursday 14 August 2025. 

In 2025, Marimekko Corporation will publish financial information as follows: 

Financial Statement Bulletin 2024 on Wednesday 19 February 2025 at 8.00 a.m.  Interim Report 1 January-31 March 2025 on Wednesday 14 May 2025 at 8.00 a.m.  Half-year Financial Report 1 January-30 June 2025 on Thursday 14 August 2025 at 8.00 a.m.  Interim Report 1 January-30 September 2025 on Friday 31 October 2025 at 8.00 a.m. 

Marimekko observes a silent period of 30 days prior to publishing of financial information. 

The company's Financial Statements and the Report of the Board of Directors 2024 will be published in week 12, at the latest. 

Marimekko's Annual General Meeting is planned to be held on Tuesday 15 April 2025 at 2 p.m. The notice to convene the Annual General Meeting will be given later by the Board of Directors. A shareholder may request that a matter falling within the competence of the General Meeting shall be placed on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting. To this effect, a written request should be sent to the Board of Directors on Wednesday 22 January 2025, at the latest. An announcement on the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting will be released after the meeting. 

Corporate Communications  

Anna Tuominen 
Tel. +358 40 5846944 

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd 
Key media 
Marimekko is a Finnish lifestyle design company renowned for its original prints and colors. The company's product portfolio includes high-quality clothing, bags and accessories as well as home décor items ranging from textiles to tableware. When Marimekko was founded in 1951, its unparalleled printed fabrics gave it a strong and unique identity. In 2023, the company's net sales totaled EUR 174 million and comparable operating profit margin was 18.4 percent. Globally, there are roughly 170 Marimekko stores, and online store serves customers in 38 countries. The key markets are Northern Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and North America. The Group employs about 470 people. The company's share is quoted on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. 


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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