Annual General Assembly

Udgivet den 21-09-2017  |  kl. 15:47  |  



To Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S


Public announcement no. 396

September 21, 2017



The Annual General Meeting of Glunz & Jensen Holding A/S took place on September 21, 2017 at Selandia Park 1, 4100 Ringsted, in accordance with the below agenda.

The Board of Directors appointed Mr. Søren Elmann, attorney-at-law, Chairman of the meeting and the appointment was approved unanimously by the shareholders present.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors accounted for the Company's activities in the past year and the shareholders took note of the presentation. The audited annual report for 2016/17 was submitted and adopted. The General Meeting discharged the Board of Directors and the Executive Management from their obligations.

Resolution on appropriation of profit, including the amount of dividend, or covering of loss was in accordance with the adopted annual report, and the Board of Directors' proposal not to pay dividend was approved. 

According to proposal from the Board of Directors, the Articles of Association were changed so that the location of the General Meeting is to be in either Ringsted or Nyborg.

According to proposal from the Board of Directors, the Articles of association were changed so that the accounting period is from April 1 to March 31.

The proposal for the Board of Directors fee for 2017/2018 was approved.

According to proposal to the Annual General Meeting, it was approved that the number of members of the Board of Director's was 4 for 2017/18.

According to proposal from the Board of Directors Carsten Knudsen were re-elected. Søren Stensdal was not re-elected

According to proposal from Heliograph Holding GmbH, Flemming Enevoldsen and Rolf Pfiffner were elected new member of the Board of Directors.

Hereafter, the Board of Directors consists of Carsten Knudsen, Michael Hove, Flemming Enevoldsen, Rolf Pfiffner, Jørgen Lagerbon* og Søren Andersen*. *) Previously elected by the employees.


According to proposal from the Board of Directors, Ernst & Young Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected auditors of the Company.

The minutes of the annual general meeting and the updated articles of association will be made available at as soon as possible.


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Following the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors met at the first meeting of the Board of Directors - and Carsten Knudsen was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors and Michael Hove was elected Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors.


For additional information:

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Carsten Knudsen, at phone +4521464236


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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