The largest shareholder of JSC Olainfarm continues to maintain stake in the company

Udgivet den 10-05-2021  |  kl. 18:34  |  

JSC Olainfarm has received information from the company Black Duck Invest a.s. registered in the Czech Republic that it has an intention to acquire the shares of JSC Olainfarm owned by Olmafarm Ltd., which makes up 42.56% of the shares of JSC Olainfarm. JSC Olainfarm has not received information that the transaction has taken place. According to the public information, Olmafarm Ltd. has approached the State Police and an investigation has been started. JSC Olainfarm has not been informed about changes in the register of shareholders in connection with the shares of JSC Olainfarm owned by Olmafarm Ltd. The Management Board of JSC Olainfarm actively monitors the situation and will continue to provide information in accordance with the legal requirements.

JSC Olainfarm, a part of Olainfarm Group, is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the Baltic States offering high quality medicine and chemical pharmaceutical products. The business strategy "FORWARD" highlights the company's main vision - to become one of the TOP10 Central and Eastern European manufacturing companies by 2025.

With nearly 50 years of expertise, Olainfarm Group delivers sustainable healthcare products and services with added value to patients in more than 50 countries all over the world via its key subsidiaries - pharmaceutical company JSC Olainfarm, food supplement & medical device producer Silvanols, elastic & compression material producer Tonus Elast, pharmacy chain Latvijas Aptieka and healthcare & diagnostics centres DiaMed & OlainMed.

Additional information:  
Jānis Dubrovskis
Investor Relations Advisor of JSC Olainfarm
Phone: +371 29178878


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk