New Articles of Association following capital increase

Udgivet den 01-07-2014  |  kl. 10:05  |  

To NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S Announcement no. 15-14 / Copenhagen, July 1, 2014 The capital increase by nominal DKK 2,473,998 as a consequence of the exercise of warrants granted to employees and board member has now been registered with the Danish Business Authority. The current Articles of Association are enclosed.   Topotarget A/S For further information, please contact: Anders Vadsholt, CEO – direct: +45 39178345 Background information About Topotarget Topotarget (NASDAQ OMX: TOPO) is a Danish-based biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, dedicated to the clinical development and registration of oncology products. In collaboration with Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Topotarget focuses on the development of its lead drug candidate, belinostat, which has shown positive results in the treatment of hematological malignancies and solid tumors, obtained by both mono- and  combination therapy. For more information, please refer to Topotarget Safe Harbor Statement This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, including statements about Topotarget A/S’ expectations to the progression of Topotarget A/S’ clinical pipeline and with respect to cash burn guidance. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties of which many are outside the control of Topotarget A/S, and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described. Topotarget A/S disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, unless required by Danish law.Vedhæftede filer:Announcement no. 15-14 New Articles of Association following capital increase.pdf2014 07 01 - Topotarget Vedtægter - Articles of Association.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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