Stock exchange announcement no. 2 – Upward adjustment of anticipated profit for the year 2014

Udgivet den 09-01-2015  |  kl. 13:27  |  

Tivoli’s visitor numbers during 2014 progressed well in all three seasons, while there was also a lot of out-of-season activity in Tivoli’s music and theatre venues as well as meeting facilities.

On this basis, Tivoli is increasing its anticipated pre-tax profit for the year. Up to now, the company has reported expectations for profit before tax in line with 2013, when this figure was DKK 42.6 million.

The anticipated profit before tax is now being increased to between  DKK 50 and 55 million.

Tivoli is a key operator in the cultural and leisure industry in Copenhagen and Denmark,” says Claus Dyhr, Tivoli’s CFO. “We have had a busy year, during which we increased the number of days on which the Gardens were open, with entertainment, amusements and restaurants bringing in visitors. There have also been more out-of-season concerts, performances and events. It is extremely satisfying to see this work bearing fruit.

Tivoli will publish its annual report for 2014 on 23 March 2015, and opens for the summer season on 1 April 2015.


Yours faithfully,


Claus Dyhr

Chief Financial Officer


Vice President, Brand & Communications Dorthe Weinkouff Barsøe, +45 2223 7211/

Vedhæftede filer:

Stock exchange announcement no 2 of 20150109- Upward adjustment of anticipated profit for the year 2014.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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