Amendment of Articles of Association
Release no. 25/2015
With reference to release no. 24/2015 of 6 November 2015, changes in Columbus A/S’ Articles of Association as a consequence of the board resolution regarding issue of warrants in pursuance of the authorization in Section 5.1 in the Articles of Association, have today been registered in the Danish Business Authority.
At the same time the new Articles of Association for the company are hereby published.
Ib Kunøe Thomas Honoré
Chairman CEO & President
Columbus A/S Columbus A/S
For further information, please contact:
CEO Thomas Honoré, T: +45 70 20 50 00.
Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing version.
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Articles of Association UK 061115.pdf
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