TDC : TDC Capital Markets Day – 27 January 2016
TDC’s Capital Markets Day will be held on Wednesday January 27, 2016. Throughout the day, TDC management will provide further insight into our 2016-2018 strategy, our financial plan including 2016 outlook and a revised shareholder remuneration policy.
Date | Wednesday 27 January 2016 |
Time | 9:00 – 13.00 London time (GMT) |
Place | THE BERKELEY Wilton Place Knightsbridge London SW1X 7RL Telephone: +44 (0)20 7235 6000 |
Arrival and registration at The Berkeley will start at 8:30 AM London time. Light lunch buffet will be served from approximately noon.
You may also follow the presentations by web cast. Registration is only required for personal attendance at The Berkeley.
For registration please send name of participant, organization, email and phone number to no later than Friday 15 January 2016. Priority will be given to attendance by investors and analysts.
Please contact TDC Investor Relations with any questions regarding the Capital Markets Day:
Telephone: + 45 66 63 76 80
Teglholmsgade 1
0900 Copenhagen C
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Release 35-2015 TDC Capital Markets Day - UK.pdf