Interim Report Q1 2016: Strong revenue growth of 15% in GN ReSound and 9% in GN Netcom CC&O

Udgivet den 04-05-2016  |  kl. 06:58  |  

Copenhagen, 2016-05-04 06:58 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

  • GN Store Nord delivered 11% revenue growth in Q1 2016, with organic growth constituting 8%, driven by Hearing Instruments and CC&O
  • Earnings per share (EPS) reached DKK 1.38, an increase of 18% compared to Q1 2015
  • Free cash flow excl. M&A increased by DKK 98 million compared to Q1 2015
  • Financial outlook for 2016 is confirmed, including communicated seasonality in earnings reflecting among other investments during early parts of the year to further support the strong current growth momentum
  • GN ReSound had a strong start to 2016 and delivered 15% revenue growth, with organic growth constituting 10%. Organic growth in Hearing Instruments accelerated to 11%, driven by continued focus on commercial excellence and by the industry leading hearing aid portfolio
  • GN ReSound's EBITA increased to DKK 234 million. The EBITA margin increased to 17.0% compared to 16.8% in Q1 2015
  • GN ReSound's free cash flow excl. M&A in Q1 2016 increased by DKK 45 million compared to Q1 2015. Cash conversion ended at 5%, compared to (16)% in Q1 2015
  • GN Netcom's CC&O business delivered 9% organic growth in Q1 2016, resulting in organic growth of 4% for GN Netcom with (7)% organic growth in the Mobile division
  • GN Netcom's EBITA was DKK 90 million in Q1 2016 for GN Netcom, equal to an EBITA margin of 12.5%. The decrease in the EBITA margin of 3.4 percentage points compared to Q1 2015 is primarily related to the development in foreign exchange rates 
  • GN Netcom's free cash flow excl. M&A in Q1 2016 increased by DKK 18 million compared to Q1 2015. Cash conversion ended at 32% compared to 10% in Q1 2015

Quotes from the executive management

Anders Hedegaard, CEO of GN ReSound: "Q1 2016 was a very strong start to the year for GN ReSound, with revenue growth accelerating to 15% and continuing to be broad based. We are on a relentless quest to improve the quality of life for our users. And we have with continued innovations documented our ability to develop unique products, which have set a new standard in the industry - both in terms of audiology and connectivity"

René Svendsen-Tune, CEO of GN Netcom: "I am pleased that the CC&O business in Q1 2016 has continued the solid development from the second half of 2015. We are strengthening our leading position in the Unified Communication market, driven by a combination of a leading product portfolio and strong commercial execution. Despite challenging market conditions in Mobile, GN Netcom delivered solid earnings and improved cash flow generation"

GN will host a teleconference at 11.00 am CEST today. Please visit to access the teleconference. Presentation material will be available on the website approximately one hour prior to the teleconference.

For further information please contact:

Peter Justesen
VP - Investor Relations & Treasury
GN Store Nord A/S
Tel: +45 45 75 87 16


Michael Nass Nielsen
Manager - Investor Relations
GN Store Nord A/S
Tel: +45 45 75 02 40

Vedhæftede filer:

GNSN - Interim Q1 2016.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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