Extraordinary general meeting of BoConcept Holding A/S

Udgivet den 13-07-2016  |  kl. 12:47  |  

Notice is hereby given that the extraordinary general meeting of BoConcept Holding A/S will be held on

4 August 2016 - at 4 pm.

at the company's office at Mørupvej 16, DK-7400 Herning)


  1. Election of chairman of the meeting
  2. Election of members to the supervisory board
  3. Any other business


Share capital, voting rights

The company capital amounts to DKK 28,621,190 and is divided into shares in denominations of DKK 10.00 and multiples hereof. The company's share capital is divided into Class A-shares for DKK 2,400,000 and Class B-shares for DKK 26,221,190. The Class A-shares carry ten votes for each Class A-share of DKK 10, and the Class B-shares carry one vote for each Class B-share of DKK 10. 

Any shareholder may attend the general meeting provided that he has obtained an admission card three days prior to the date of the general meeting, either from the company's office or from another place stated in the notice and on presentation of proof of his shares or reference to registration in the name of the holder or other evidence of his shareholding. 

Shareholders are entitled to vote at the company's general meeting provided that their shareholding has been registered not later than seven days prior to the general meeting.

Voting may also be by proxy or post for which a specific form is required. The forms must accompany the notice convening the general meeting. Postal votes must reach BoConcept Holding A/S not later than three days prior to the general meeting.

Shareholders exercise their financial rights through their own custodian bank.



Herning, 13 July 2016

Vedhæftede filer:

EGM 040816_GB.pdf

Request to BoCocept Holding A_S for EGM 13 07.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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