FLSmidth receives cement plant order in Bolivia

Udgivet den 19-12-2016  |  kl. 08:48  |  

FLSmidth receives cement plant order in Bolivia
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK FLSmidth to deliver a complete cement plant to FANCESA in Bolivia

FLSmidth has received an order from Fábrica Nacional de Cemento SA (FANCESA) for the supply of equipment to facilitate a complete cement production line with a capacity of 2,100 tonnes per day including plant design, procurement, and civil engineering services. The plant will be located in Sucre, the constitutional capital of Bolivia.

The order includes a complete range of equipment from crushing to packing and loadout. FLSmidth's supply also includes equipment from product companies of FLSmidth, such as planetary gear units from FLSmidth MAAG Gear, fabric filters from FLSmidth Airtech, packing plant from FLSmidth Ventomatic, control system and plant automation from FLSmidth Automation, and weighing and metering systems from FLSmidth Pfister.

The project underlines FLSmidth's strength as the leading supplier of the most productive and energy-efficient equipment and technology for the cement industry, says Group Executive Vice President, Cement Division, Per Mejnert Kristensen.


Order size: more than $75 million USD Scope: a complete state-of-the-art cement production line with the latest environmental pollution control systems and technology for the highest levels of maintainability - all backed by FLSmidth's proprietary automation systems for increased productivity and optimised energy consumption Equipment: ATOX® 35.0 vertical mill for raw grinding, ROTAX-2® rotary kiln with low NOx ILC calciner, FLSmidth® Cross-Bar® 8x38 cooler, and OK(TM) 30 vertical mill for cement grinding Plant capacity: 2,100 tonnes per day Customer: Fábrica Nacional de Cemento SA (FANCESA) Geography: Sucre, Bolivia The order will be fully executed by Q1 2018

Kristoffer Bohr Grønbæk
Content Manager,
Group Communications
Mobile: +45 3093 1427
Per Mejnert Kristensen
Group Executive Vice President,
Cement Division
Phone: +45 3618 1800

is the market-leading supplier of productivity to the global mining and cement industries. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, and with offices in more than 50 countries, FLSmidth delivers engineering, equipment and service solutions to customers worldwide. Productivity, sustainability, and quality are focus areas for the 13,000 employees in FLSmidth. The company generated revenue of 20 billion DKK in 2015. Read more at

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: FLSmidth via Globenewswire


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