Udgivet den 19-12-2016  |  kl. 11:33  |  

Copenhagen, 2016-12-19 11:33 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcement no. 76

DFDS A/S has in week 50 purchased 39,065 own shares for DKK 11.7m as part of the share buyback programme of DKK 350m launched on 18 August 2016 and expiring latest on 6 February 2017, ref. company announcement no. 50/2016 of 18 August 2016.

The accumulated share buyback of 779,829 shares for DKK 251.8m amounts to 71.9% of the programme.


Period, 2016 No. of shares Average  purchase price Value, DKK
Accumulated week 49 740,764 324.1 240,103,024
12 December 8,685 291.0 2,527,629
13 December 8,900 295.3 2,628,541
14 December 8,695 296.2 2,575,342
15 December 6,092 304.8 1,856,694
16 December 6,693 311.1 2,082,031
Total week 50 39,065 298.7 11,670,237
Accumulated week 50 779,829 322.9 251,773,261


Following the purchase, DFDS' holding of own shares is 2,907,458 equal to 4.8% of the Company's total no. of shares of 60,000,000. Excluding own shares, the no. of circulating shares is 57,092,542.


The share buyback programme is organised in compliance with the European Commission Regulation 1052/2016 of 8 March 2016 (Safe Harbour regulation for share buybacks).

Information about all transactions are available in the attachment.



Torben Carlsen, CFO +45 33 42 32 01

Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59

Vedhæftede filer:


UK weekly buyback 2016 w 50.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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