Lundbeck continues to show solid revenue growth and strong improvement in profitability

Udgivet den 08-02-2017  |  kl. 07:42  |  

Valby, Denmark, 2017-02-08 07:42 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HIGHLIGHTS

  • Revenue reached DKK 15,634 million in 2016 representing an increase of 7% compared to last year
    • Revenue in the US reached DKK 8,404 million, up 32% (30% in local currency)
    • Revenue in International Markets reached DKK 3,993 million, up 4% (7% in local currencies)
    • Revenue in Europe reached DKK 2,912 million, down 25% (25% in local currencies)
  • Revenue from key products grew 79% (78% in local currencies) to DKK 6,541 million in 2016 representing 42% of total revenue
    • Abilify Maintena® reached DKK 1,114 million, up 67% (67% in local currencies)
    • Brintellix®/Trintellix® reached DKK 1,105 million, up 76% (79% in local currencies)
    • Northera® reached DKK 1,087 million, up 129% (128% in local currency)
    • Onfi® reached DKK 2,409 million, up 37% (34% in local currency)
    • Rexulti® reached DKK 826 million, up 608% (608% in local currency)  
  • EBIT improved significantly reaching DKK 2,292 million. In 2016, the EBIT margin reached 14.7% compared to a negative EBIT margin of 46.7% in 2015. In 2015, EBIT included an impairment loss and restructuring charges of close to DKK 7 billion, and 2016 included an impairment loss of DKK 140 million relating to idalopirdine
  • The free cash flow reached DKK 2,789 million compared to a cash outflow of DKK 2,645 million last year. The net position has changed from interest bearing debt of DKK 2.2 billion at the end of 2015 to a positive net cash position of DKK 326 million
  • For 2017, Lundbeck expects revenue of DKK 16.3-17.1 billion and EBIT of DKK 3.4-3.8 billion
  • The Board of Directors proposes to pay a dividend of DKK 2.45 per share, corresponding to a pay-out ratio of 40%. Lundbeck revises its dividend policy and increases the dividend pay-out ratio from the current 30%-40% of net profits to 60%-80% of net profits from 2017 and onwards

In connection with the financial report, Lundbeck's President and CEO, Kåre Schultz said:

"I am pleased with our strong operational performance in 2016 where we have delivered results that exceeded our own expectations. I am confident that we can deliver on our targets for the coming years."

DKK million FY2016  FY2015 Growth
Reported Revenue 15,634 14,594 7%
Reported EBIT 2,292 (6,816) -
Reported EPS 6.14 (28.96) -
Reported EBIT margin 14.7% (46.7%) -
Core Revenue* 15,634 14,464 8%
Core EBIT* 3,477 847 311%
Core EPS* 11.14 1.56 614%
Core EBIT margin* 22.2% 5.9% -

*For definition of the measures "Core Revenue" and "Core EBIT", see note 3 Core reporting

Vedhæftede filer:

Q42016_Corporate Release.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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