Transactions in relation to share buyback program

Udgivet den 28-02-2017  |  kl. 13:14  |  

Acting under its share buyback authorization, the GN Store Nord board of directors initiated a share buyback program on March 11, 2016 in accordance with the provisions of the European Commission's regulation no. 2273/2003 of December 22, 2003, also referred to as the Safe Harbor rules (company announcement no. 19 of March 11, 2016). 

GN Store Nord's share-buy-back program is applied without change, but shall going forward be subject to the European Parliament and of the Council's regulation (EU) no 596/2014 of April 16, 2014, on market abuse and its ancillary acts. 

The share buyback program has been initiated in order to reduce the company's share capital. Under the share buyback program, which is running from March 11, 2016 and ending no later than March 13, 2017, GN intends to buy back shares for an amount of up to DKK 1,500 million. 

The following transactions have been made under the program in the period February 21, 2017 -February 27, 2017:

  No. of shares Average purchase price, DKK Transaction Value, DKK
   February 21, 2017 41,485 157.94 6,552,149
   February 22, 2017 72,300 160.02 11,569,251
   February 23, 2017 71,250 162.73 11,594,256
   February 24, 2017 65,000 160.34 10,422,412
   February 27, 2017 70,550 159.69 11,265,840
Accumulated under the program 9,737,626 141.62 1,379,060,458

Following the above transactions GN owns a total of 14,400,278 own shares corresponding to 9.3% of the company's total share capital. Every Tuesday, GN will announce the number and value of repurchased shares in company announcements to Nasdaq Copenhagen.

For further information please contact:

Peter Justesen
VP - Investor Relations & Treasury
GN Store Nord A/S
Tel: +45 45 75 87 16

Vedhæftede filer:


Announcement 13 - Transactions under share buyback program.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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