Nykredit Bank A/S - Annual General Meeting 2017
At Nykredit Bank's Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 15 March 2017
- the Annual Report 2016 and proposal for the distribution of net profit were adopted.
- The Board of Directors' proposal for a remuneration policy including the scope for applying the maximum variable pay of up to 200% to a few selected staff members was adopted.
- Michael Rasmussen, Søren Holm, David Hellemann, Anders Jensen and Kim Rønnow Duus were elected for the Board of Directors. Further, the Board of Directors is composed of three staff representatives, Kent Ankersen, Flemming Ellegaard and Allan Kristiansen.
- Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was reappointed as company auditors.
At its first meeting to be held on 21 March 2017, the Board of Directors is expected to elect Michael Rasmussen, Group Chief Executive, as Chairman, and Søren Holm, Group Managing Director, as Deputy Chairman.
Copenhagen, 15 March 2017
Nykredit Bank A/S
Board of Directors
Questions may be addressed to Jens Theil, Head of Press Relations,
tel +45 44 55 14 50.
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Nykredit Bank - Annual Generel Meeting 2017 - 15032017.pdf