Report on Annual General Meeting of NeuroSearch A/S
21 March 2017
At the company's Annual General Meeting held today, the following resolutions were passed:
- The Annual Report for 2016 was approved
- The Board of Directors' proposal regarding the transfer of the profit for 2016 to retained earnings was adopted
- The Board of Directors was re-elected and thus still consists of Karin Garre (Chairman), Allan Andersen and Christian Lundgren
- PricewaterhouseCoopers was re-elected as the company's auditor
- The Board of Directors' proposal regarding amendments to the remuneration policy was adopted
- The Board of Directors' proposal regarding remuneration of the Board of Directors for 2016 and 2017 was adopted, with the amendment that payment of the part of the remuneration being linked to the making of a take-over offer on the company is subject to such offer being accepted by 50% of the share capital of the company.
Karin Garre Allan Andersen
Chairman of the Board of Directors CEO
Allan Andersen, CEO, mobile phone +45 4016 3864.
About NeuroSearch
NeuroSearch A/S (NEUR) is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S.
Vedhæftede filer:
Fonds. 4-17 - Resultat af ordinær generalforsamling 2017 - UK.pdf
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