Result of auctions of mortgage covered bonds (SDRO's) in series 11F and 12G
To NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S
Executive Board Lersø Parkalle 100 DK-2100 København Ø Telephone +45 7012 5300 |
Company announcement number 43/2017 - 30 May 2017
Result of auctions of mortgage covered bonds (SDRO's) in series 11F and 12G
Today, Realkredit Danmark has completed the auctions of mortgage covered bonds (SDRO's) in series 11F and 12G for the refinancing of FlexKort® and RD Euribor3® as of 1 July 2017.
The result of the auctions is set out in the appendix to this announcement.
The Executive Board
Any additional questions should be addressed to Christian Rosenstand, Head of RD Funding, phone 45 45 13 20 19.
Vedhæftede filer:
Nr. 43_Resultat af auktioner over obligationer_uk.pdf
Bilag til selskabsmeddelelse nr. 43-2017_uk.pdf