Alm. Brand A/S - Weekly report on share buybacks

Udgivet den 03-07-2017  |  kl. 12:07  |  

Copenhagen, 2017-07-03 12:07 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the period 26 June 2017 to 30 June 2017, Alm. Brand A/S bought own shares for a total amount of DKK 8.9 million as part of the share buyback programme of up to DKK 300 million announced on 1 March 2017.

The share buy-back programme is expected to run until the end of March 2018. In aggregate, shares of DKK 86.6 million were bought back, equivalent to 28.9% of the overall programme.

Under the share buyback programme, the following transactions were made during week 26:

Date No. of
Average purchase price (DKK) Transaction value
26 June 2017 29,268 57.74 1,689,934
27 June 2017 29,268 57.86 1,693,446
28 June 2017 31,707 57.68 1,828,860
29 June 2017 31,707 57.87 1,834,884
30 June 2017 31,707 58.00 1,839,006
Accumulated during the period 153,657 57.83 8,886,131
Accumulated under the share buyback programme 1,507,301 57.46 86,608,601

Danske Bank manages the share buyback programme, which is completed in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 (the "Market Abuse Regulation").

Following the above transactions, Alm. Brand holds 4,139,387 own shares, equivalent to 2.5% of the share capital.

Transactional data relating to share buy-backs is provided on the following pages in detailed form and in aggregated form, in accordance with Commission's Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016.



Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:

Cristina Rønde Hefting, Investor Relations Manager, on tel. +45 35 47 79 22.


Detailed transaction data 

26 June 2017   27 June 2017   28 June 2017   29 June 2017   30 June 2017
Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK
28.646 57,74   29.268 57,86   29.022 57,70   31.707 57,87   18.707 58,00
0     0     1.205 57,50   0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
622 57,50   0     1.480 57,50   0     13.000 58,00
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
29.268 57,74   29.268 57,86   31.707 57,68   31.707 57,87   31.707 58,00


26 June 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
29.268 57,74    
622 57,50 BATE 20170626 11:00:20.502000
11.378 57,75 XCSE 20170626 16:50:51.413479
17.268 57,74 XCSE 20170626 16:59:26.839905


27 June 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
29.268 57,86    
1.301 57,50 XCSE 20170627 9:15:04.413000
264 57,50 XCSE 20170627 9:15:15.630000
600 57,50 XCSE 20170627 9:15:19.813000
835 57,50 XCSE 20170627 9:15:21.379000
318 57,50 XCSE 20170627 16:24:20.075000
8.682 58,00 XCSE 20170627 16:38:19.815873
17.268 57,86 XCSE 20170627 16:46:44.595857


28 June 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
31.707 57,68    
753 57,50 BATE 20170628 10:06:03.011000
842 57,50 XCSE 20170628 10:06:17.246000
200 57,50 BATE 20170628 10:06:17.256000
854 57,50 XCSE 20170628 10:06:17.284000
527 57,50 BATE 20170628 10:06:17.309000
619 57,50 XCSE 20170628 10:06:17.347000
717 57,50 TRQX 20170628 10:06:17.390000
488 57,50 TRQX 20170628 10:06:17.390000
3.219 57,50 XCSE 20170628 15:59:10.592282
9 58,00 XCSE 20170628 16:46:08.013000
2.400 58,00 XCSE 20170628 16:46:08.013000
1.000 58,00 XCSE 20170628 16:46:08.013000
1.372 58,00 XCSE 20170628 16:46:08.013000
18.707 57,68 XCSE 20170628 17:02:20.507657


29 June 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
31.707 57,87    
1.640 57,50 XCSE 20170629 16:16:44.121000
557 57,50 XCSE 20170629 16:45:50.382000
1.213 57,50 XCSE 20170629 16:45:50.382000
2.400 58,00 XCSE 20170629 16:51:04.002000
7.190 58,00 XCSE 20170629 16:51:04.002000
18.707 57,87 XCSE 20170629 17:00:15.180621


30 June 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
31.707 58,00    
766 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
2.000 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
3.000 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
3.000 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
1.500 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
500 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
2.000 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
234 58,00 BATE 20170630 16:46:48.552000
18.707 58,00 XCSE 20170630 16:51:21.977430



Vedhæftede filer:

AS 38 2017 - Weekly report on share buybacks.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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