Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Appoints Ulf Meier-Kriesche, MD, as Chief Scientific Officer

Udgivet den 13-09-2017  |  kl. 21:27  |  

Company Release no. 19/2017


To: NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S                                     Copenhagen, Denmark, 13 September 2017


Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Appoints Ulf Meier-Kriesche, MD, as Chief Scientific Officer


Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S is pleased to announce that Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has hired Ulf Meier-Kriesche, MD, to serve as its Chief Scientific Officer.  In this role, Dr. Meier-Kriesche will oversee the Company's regulatory and medical affairs departments.

Dr. Meier-Kriesche is a board certified Nephrologist with over 20 years of practical clinical experience in transplantation.  He is the author of over 170 scientific publications that have appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals.  Additionally, Dr. Meier-Kriesche served on the faculty of the University of Florida Medical School from 2001 until 2011.   

Prior to joining Veloxis, Dr. Meier-Kriesche was the Clinical Trials Lead Immunology at Bristol-Myers Squibb.  Dr. Meier-Kriesche has also worked for Astellas Pharma.    

Craig Collard, CEO of Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S said "Veloxis is committed to serving the needs of the transplant community and the appointment of Ulf Meier-Kriesche further solidifies that commitment.  Ulf's background and experience as a transplant nephrologist will help Veloxis be more responsive to the concerns of clinicians and ultimately better support the transplant community."

Ulf Meier-Kriesche commented "I am thrilled to join Veloxis because of the wonderful opportunity we have together to bring new therapeutic options to transplant patients."


For more information, please contact:

Craig A. Collard            

President & CEO                      

Phone: +1 919 591 3090                     



About Veloxis Pharmaceuticals

Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S is a commercial-stage specialty pharmaceutical company committed to improving the lives of transplant patients.  A Danish company, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S operates in the U.S. through Veloxis Pharmaceuticals Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, USA.  Veloxis has successfully developed Envarsus XR (tacrolimus extended-release tablets) based upon the company's unique and patented delivery technology, MeltDose®, which is designed to enhance the absorption and bioavailability of select orally administered drugs. The company is focused on the direct commercialization of Envarsus XR in the U.S., expansion of partnerships for markets around the world, and acquisition of assets utilized in transplant patients and by adjacent medical specialties. Veloxis is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen under the trading symbol OMX: VELO.  

For further information, please visit

Vedhæftede filer:

2017.09.13 - Company Release 19 - Veloxis Hires Chief Scientific Officer.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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