FLSmidth supports future miners in Mexico

Udgivet den 22-12-2017  |  kl. 05:00  |  


In one of the most important mining zones in Mexico, students at the local university now have access to state-of-the-art laboratory mining equipment. The equipment is a donation from the FLSmidth Donation Fund which this year is also supporting young scientists and various global and local charities.

The Zacatecas region in Mexico needs a steady supply of engineers and other mining specialists. The first students of a newly designed mining engineer education programme are now in the pipeline at the local campus of Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), one of the most important public universities in the country.

These students can now enjoy brand-new laboratory equipment. As part of the annual donations, The FLSmidth Donation Fund recently sponsored an FLS ESSA® Flotation Cell including manuals and 20 hours of training by a flotations specialist to the university. The mining engineer programme was designed in 2014 in cooperation between IPN and the Zacatecas Mining Cluster of which FLSmidth is a co-founder.

With this donation, we help ensure that the next generation of miners are familiar with state-of-the-art techniques and equipment. This region has a large concentration of mining companies and is one of the most important mining zones in Mexico, and as a company we play an active role in providing jobs and keeping future mining sustainable and productive. Being able to help the local university is a win-win situation, where we give something back to the community, and in the long run that will strengthen the mining industry, said Vagn Sørensen, chairman of the FLSmidth Donation Fund.

The fund annually donates up to a total of DKK 400,000 to worthy cause projects including for humanitarian work, environmental projects as well as education and training. This year the fund supports:

Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Zacatecas Campus, Mexico Young Scientists, an engineering talent competition for children and young people Associazione Genitori Construire Integrazione Onlus, Bergamo, Italy Mercy Ships - The International Hospital Ships SOS Children's Villages Two local Danish NGOs helping addicts and homeless people

The application deadline for the fund is 1 October each year. Further information about the FLSmidth Donation Fund can be found here.

Global contact
Sofie Karen Lindberg
Senior Vice President
Mobile: +45 3093 1877

FLSmidth is the market-leading supplier of productivity to the global mining and cement industries. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, and with offices in more than 50 countries, FLSmidth delivers engineering, equipment and service solutions to customers worldwide. Productivity, sustainability, and quality are focus areas for FLSmidth and its 12,000 employees. The company generated revenue of DKK 18 billion in 2016. Read more on

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Source: FLSmidth via Globenewswire


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