Group financial statement for 2017

Udgivet den 07-02-2018  |  kl. 08:10  |  

Solid 2017. Good momentum set to continue  

Solid year with 4% organic sales growth (Q4: +4%): Household Care +1%, Food & Beverages +9%, Bioenergy +11%, Agriculture & Feed -3%, Technical & Pharma +2%. EBIT margin at 27.9% (around 29% excl. one-time costs). FCF before acquisitions DKK 2.4 billion.

Regarding the 2018 outlook, with good momentum in the business and a strong pipeline of products and opportunities, we see organic sales growth of 4-6% and an EBIT margin of ~28%.

Peder Holk Nielsen, President & CEO of Novozymes: "2017 was satisfactory with solid growth and margins. Similar to other years, 2017 saw differences in divisional growth rates, but serving more than 40 industries with enzymes and microbes provides robustness. Our key priorities for 2018 are to increase our presence with new and existing customers, especially in emerging markets, and ensure we cater for individual customer needs with impactful innovation. And although uncertainties exist, with good momentum, a strong product pipeline and increased commercial activities, we see a promising outlook with accelerating growth for 2018 and beyond."


  • Organic sales growth of 4% (Q4: +4%) and 3% in DKK (Q4: -1%)
  • 4 out of 5 areas grew; Food & Beverages and Bioenergy performed very well
  • Agriculture & Feed lower, mainly due to poor agriculture markets
  • 4 transformative innovations launched of the targeted 10 by 2020
  • Reported EBIT margin of 27.9% (2016: 27.9%). Q4 2017: 27.6% (Q4 2016: 28.6%)
  • Albumedix (non-core pharma) divested late 2017. DKK 66m negative Q4 EBIT charge
  • M&G financial asset write-down of remaining DKK 60m (DKK 47m post-tax) in Q4
  • Lower year-on-year tax rate despite one-off US tax charge of DKK ~30m in Q4
  • Free cash flow before acquisitions solid at DKK 2.4 billion; higher investments as expected
  • Proposed dividend payout of DKK 4.50/share. Dividend growth of 13%. 42% payout ratio
  • Full-year 2018 outlook: Organic sales growth 4-6% (growth relatively stronger in 2H y/y), EBIT margin ~28%, FCF before acquisitions DKK 2.3-2.6 billion, ROIC 24-25%. Stock buyback program of up to DKK 2 billion. Long-term dividend payout ratio upped from ~40% to ~50% of net profit


  2017 outlook (Oct.) 12M 2017 12M 2016
Sales growth, organic 3-5% 4% 2%
Sales growth, DKK 2-4% 3% 1%
EBIT growth 2-4% 3% 2%
EBIT margin ~28% 27.9% 27.9%
Net profit growth 2-5% 2% 8%
Net investments excl. acquisitions, DKKm 1,600-1,800 1,665 1,188
Free cash flow before acquisitions, DKKm 2,100-2,300 2,398 2,652
ROIC (including goodwill) ~25% 25.6% 25.1%


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Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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