NNIT A/S: NNIT signs agreement with NNE on global outsourcing of IT

Udgivet den 26-04-2018  |  kl. 08:15  |  

Press release

NNIT signs agreement with NNE on global outsourcing of IT 

NNIT will deliver full stack of corporate it services to new client who is experiencing growth with focus on the international life science industry.  

NNIT will take over NNE's global IT infrastructure NNIT will assume 27 employees from NNE Like NNIT, NNE was born and raised in the Danish pharma industry and is today an international engineering company targeting clients from its industry of origin NNIT has approximately 350 clients of which around 100 are located outside Denmark. Some 20 % are international life science clients

Copenhagen, April 26, 2018 - NNIT, a leading provider of IT services and consultancy signs an IT outsourcing agreement with NNE, owned by Novo Nordisk A/S.

Like NNIT, NNE was born and raised in the Danish pharma industry and is today an international engineering company targeting customers from its industry of origin. Specialized in pharma engineering, NNE provides flexible, compliant and future-proof solutions that help pharmaceutical companies bring products to market.

As part of the new agreement, which was signed today, NNIT will take over the global IT infrastructure for NNE. The broad portfolio of services to NNE will include remote infrastructure management to affiliates, global end user support services and full capacity hosted in NNIT's datacenters located in Denmark.

CFO René Holmen Pedersen, NNE is looking forward to the transition and says about the agreement:

IT outsourcing allows us to focus on realizing the potential related to developments in information technology and digitalization and thereby to focus on delivering innovative solutions to our customers in the international pharma business It's comforting to put the responsibility in the hands of NNIT who understands the regulatory requirements to IT solutions in the international life science industry.

By choosing NNIT, NNE will get flexible and scalable IT services while obtaining operational excellence and a high security level.

Senior Vice President in NNIT, Jacob Hahn Michelsen, says about the agreement:

We look forward to securing high quality IT to NNE internationally with robust solutions and innovative development, thereby supporting their continued growth further into the global pharmaceutical industry.

NNIT will assume 27 employees from NNE, who will be welcomed by approximately 1,600 colleagues in Soeborg and 800 colleagues in China, respectively, out of a total of more than 3,000 colleagues, globally. 

NNIT has approximately 350 clients of which around 100 are located outside Denmark. Some 20 % are international life science clients (January 2018).

Further information:
Helga Heyn, NNIT Communications, +45 30 77 81 41, hhey@nnit.com

About NNIT
NNIT A/S is one of Denmark's leading IT service providers and consultancies. NNIT A/S offers a wide range of IT services and solutions to its customers, primarily in the life sciences sector in Denmark and internationally and to customers in the public, enterprise and finance sectors in Denmark. NNIT A/S has more than 3,000 employees. For more information please visit www.nnit.com.

About NNE

NNIT signs agreement with NNE on global outsourcing of IT - EN

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: NNIT A/S via Globenewswire


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