Photocat A/S: 3rd Quarter Interim Report 2018

Udgivet den 12-11-2018  |  kl. 19:45  |  

Main highlights during the third quarter of 2018

Lauzon Flooring reports 83 % growth for Pure Genius compared to same quarter last year and 21 % stronger compared to last quarter.
Initiated implementation of technology with two new clients in Germany and Holland.
Photocat issued 248,928 shares in a direct issue securing SEK 1.9 million kr. in new equity.
Photocat performed real-life test of the S:T Eriks traffic elements. The test was filmed and can be seen here:
The City of Copenhagen puts photocatalysis on the budget for 2019.
Photocat & Binné & Sohn showcase the NOxOFF technology at the NordBau 2018.
3rd quarter revenue and other operating income is up 11.4 % compared to same period last year.
Year-to-date revenue and other operating income is down 9.4 % compared to same period 2017.
Year-to-date revenue from sales of photocatalytic dispersions is up 12.2 % compared to same period 2017.

Main highlights after the third quarter of 2018

Successfully participated at the Danish Conference, Building Green, with a first ever real-life demonstration of photocatalytic acoustic panels for indoor application.
The first NOxOFF project secured in the Municipality of Frederiksberg (Langelands plads).

The information in this interim report requires Photocat A/S to publish the information in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Market Act, The information was submitted for publication on 12 November 2018 at 20:45 CET.

About Photocat

Photocat manufactures patented coating materials for both outdoor and indoor applications with the effect to degrade NOx and VOCs when exposed to light. Both NOx and VOCs are severely damaging to human health. Photocat's patented technology is a very efficient and an economically viable alternative to many of the traditional technologies targeting NOx (e.g. bus catalysts, flue gas cleaning etc.). Photocat's shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, First North with the ticker symbol PCAT. The company's Certified Advisor is Mangold Fondkommission.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Michael Humle

Tel: +45 22 10 25 23



Q3.2018 Interim Report


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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