Cloudian Doubles Revenue, Grows Customer Base 50% in First Three Quarters of Fiscal Year

Udgivet den 15-11-2018  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Leading Object Storage Specialist Sees Increasing Market Traction as Enterprises Seek Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Data Management Solutions

SAN MATEO, Calif., Nov. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudian today announced that its revenue for the first three quarters of fiscal 2019 (Feb. 1-Oct. 31, 2018) doubled over the same period last year. Key drivers of this growth included a 50 percent increase in new customers and strong momentum in repeat purchases by existing customers, with notable wins including sales to one of the world's largest media companies, a top U.S. university, a major consumer electronics retailer and government health agencies in both the U.S. and Europe.

Cloudian's expanding market footprint reflects its position as the leading specialist in providing fully S3-compatible, on-premises object storage that works seamlessly in managing and protecting data across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

Other highlights over the last three quarters include the following:

Increased Channel Traction 130 new reseller partnersMore than 300 percent growth in reseller revenue contribution Broader Geographic Reach 50 percent increase in worldwide sales and service teamNew European headquarters in Amsterdam and engineering center in MilanExtended customer base to encompass nearly 25 countries Expanded Ecosystem Partnerships Media and entertainment - Telestream and QuantumAI/Machine learning - Machine BoxHealthcare - HylandVideo surveillance - Milestone Enhanced File System Expertise - Infinity Storage acquisitionNew Investment - $94 million in Series E funding

"This is an exciting time for Cloudian as customers increasingly turn to us to ensure they have the data storage foundation needed to get the full value of their digital assets," said Mike Tso, CEO at Cloudian. "We offer a unique combination of limitless scalability, geo-distribution, integrated file support and the industry's best S3 compatibility, providing the flexibility to manage and protect data on-premises and as part of a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy.

"As a result, we're not only winning bigger deals -- with a majority involving multi-petabytes and including both object and file data -- but also being entrusted by existing customers to manage rapidly growing data volumes that exceed 100 PB."

One of the keys to Cloudian's continuing momentum has been the strength of its flagship product, HyperStore, an S3-compatible object storage platform with integrated cloud connectivity that allows users to merge on-premises and cloud computing to create a single storage pool. The resulting hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments let customers optimize cost, performance and data location for various data types to achieve the highest possible ROI while delivering more consistently managed security and compliance.

About Cloudian

Cloudian turns information into insight with a hyperscale data fabric that lets customers store, find and protect data across the organization and around the globe. Cloudian data management solutions bring cloud technology and economics to the data center with uncompromising data durability, intuitive management tools and the industry's most compatible S3 API. Cloudian and its ecosystem partners help Global 1000 customers simplify unstructured data management today while preparing for the data demands of AI and machine learning tomorrow.

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Media Contacts

Alex Mercurio
10Fold Communications

Emily Gallagher
Touchdown PR
+44 (0)1252 717040


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