Lord Chris Holmes & AIG's Duperreault to join fireside chats with Premier at Bermuda's London industry events

Udgivet den 23-11-2018  |  kl. 17:35  |  

HAMILTON, Bermuda, Nov. 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The UK's Chris Holmes, Lord of Richmond MBE, and Bermudian Chief Executive of American International Group, Brian Duperreault, will join Premier David Burt in fireside chats during next week's multi-industry events in London organised by the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA).

The conversations are part of a packed two-day agenda at the ME London hotel showcasing the Bermuda market's range of global industries and expertise. On Tuesday, November 27, a chat moderated by BDA Director and EY Bermuda Partner Jessel Mendes between the Premier and Holmes--a fintech champion in the House of Lords who belongs to several related All-Party Parliamentary Groups--will launch that day's cross-sector Bermuda Executive Forum. On Wednesday, November 28, a similar discussion between the Premier and Duperreault, moderated by BDA Interim CEO Sean Moran, kicks off a dedicated Bermuda Fintech Forum in the morning, followed by Beyond Convergence in the afternoon, a seminar focused on insurance-linked securities hosted by ILS Bermuda.

"The upcoming events give us an opportunity to meet with stakeholders in the London market and highlight the business benefits of Bermuda," said the Premier. "It's a significant opportunity to promote Bermuda's value to overseas markets and investors and attract new business that can help grow our economy and create jobs.

"I look forward to dynamic discussions with both special guests, Mr. Duperreault and Lord Holmes. We'll discuss Bermuda's synergies with London, the legacy and foundation our market affords both established companies and startups, as well as Bermuda's regulatory leadership and innovative culture, which pioneered a legislative framework around fintech this year."

Holmes is a former Paralympic swimmer and nine-time Games gold-medal winner who has focused on technology and digital opportunities since entering the House in 2013. He is vice-chair of the Parliamentary Groups on Assistive Technology, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and the 4th Industrial Revolution. He has also served as a member of House of Lords Select Committees on Artificial Intelligence, Digital Skills, Social Mobility and Financial Exclusion. Notably, Holmes has been supportive of Bermuda's recent progress in fintech regulation, speaking on Parliamentary Group roundtables and in other national discussions.

Duperreault was appointed President, CEO, and a Director of American International Group, Inc (AIG) in May 2017. Previously, he was Chairman and CEO of Bermuda's Hamilton Insurance Group, which he established in 2013. He spent 30 years working in Bermuda and the United States in senior executive roles at Marsh & McLennan Companies, ACE, and AIG, where he started his career.

Tuesday's complimentary full-day forum marks the fourth such BDA event, following successful multi-sector summits in London a year ago, in New York this spring--at which Duperreault was keynote speaker--and in Miami last month. Each drew impressive turnouts of between 200 and 300 industry professionals, and proved a catalyst for on-site meetings, new-business inquiries, and Bermuda incorporations.

Along with Holmes and Duperreault, next week's events will also feature Euan Davis, of the Center for the Future of Work Europe at Cognizant Technology Solutions. Davis, the lunchtime keynote at Tuesday's forum, will examine how work is changing as new technologies, business practices and workers emerge over the next decade.

"We're pleased to be heading back to London for our final forum of the year," said the BDA's Moran. "Not only do we have an expert line-up of speakers representing the full range of Bermuda's established industries, but we are equally pleased to highlight the emerging business we have begun to usher in. A lot has happened in the fintech space in 2018 and we intend to put the spotlight on those developments.

"Our forums provide us an excellent opportunity to encourage investment by demonstrating what makes Bermuda unique and sets us apart from other jurisdictions," Moran added. "It's significant to come full circle and reconnect with London business leaders, while also reaching out to new companies and individuals looking to enter the Bermuda market."

Some 50 senior industry representatives will join Bermuda government and regulatory leaders at next week's events to showcase the island as a financial centre of excellence. Ten presentations and panel discussions will highlight investment and business opportunities available in Bermuda, while underscoring synergies shared by the Bermuda and London markets.

Experts will cover the gamut of Bermuda's industries, including re/insurance, asset management, high-net-worth services, family offices, long-term life & annuity insurance, captive insurance, bio-med, shipping, ILS, fintech and virtual assets business.

The Bermuda Tourism Authority (BTA) will partner with the BDA on a networking reception that concludes the event.

To register for the November 27 Bermuda Executive Forum, click here.
To register for the November 28 Bermuda Fintech Forum, click here.
To register for Beyond Convergence, click here.


Rosemary Jones
Head of Communications & Marketing
441 278-6558
441 337-4696


The BDA encourages direct investment and helps companies start up, re-locate or expand their operations in our premier jurisdiction. An independent, public-private partnership, we connect you to industry professionals, regulatory officials, and key contacts in the Bermuda government to assist domicile decisions. Our goal? To make doing business in Bermuda smooth and beneficial.

Two photos accompanying this announcement are available at



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