Kotipizza Group Oyj: Record-breaking sales for Kotipizza chain in December, same-store sales increased by 6.5 percent

Udgivet den 07-01-2019  |  kl. 10:45  |  

Kotipizza Group Oyj

Press release 7 January 2019 at 12.45pm (EET)

Record-breaking sales for Kotipizza chain in December, same-store sales increased by 6.5 percent

Total sales of restaurants in the Kotipizza chain, part of Kotipizza Group Oyj, grew by 14.5 percent in December 2018 compared to the year before. Same-store sales, based on sales figures from 254 restaurants, rose by 6.5 percent.

In 2018, the sales in December amounted to 11.5 million euros compared with the 10.0 million euros in the previous year. In December, Kotipizza boasted the best sales in the chain's history. December 2018 included, the chain's sales have risen for 45 consecutive months.

The chain's brick-and-mortar restaurants increased their sales by 15.0 percent and shop-in-shop locations by 11.0 percent. Online store sales grew by 93.1 percent to
1 725 000 euros. Figures for online sales are mainly based on the sales reported by 85 restaurants offering home delivery and count towards the sales of brick-and-mortar restaurants. Online stores sales in December were the best in the chain's history.

Since the beginning of the financial year (1 February to 31 December), cumulative chain sales have increased by 15.6 percent compared to last year, amounting to 112.3 million euros.

Total sales of restaurants in the Chalupa chain, part of Kotipizza Group Oyj, grew by 20.0 percent in December 2018 compared to the year before. In December 2018, the sales amounted to 211 000 euros. Same-store sales, based on sales figures from 10 restaurants, grew by 13.5 percent.

Total sales of restaurants in the Social Burgerjoint chain, part of Kotipizza Group Oyj, grew by 479.7 percent in December 2018 compared to the year before. In December 2018, the sales amounted to 452 000 euros. In the same month, same-store sales decreased by 25.6 percent and were based on sales figures from one restaurant. During the review period, the chain's fourth restaurant was opened in Kerava on 13 December. It is also the chain's first franchisee-operated restaurant.

The sales of No Pizza, part of Kotipizza Group Oyj, amounted to 70 000 euros in December 2018.
The Kotipizza chain's monthly sales

December 2018 2017 Change (%)
Monthly sales (euro thousands) 11 454 10 006 14.5
Brick-and-mortar restaurants 9 865 8 575 15.0
Shop-in-shop restaurants 1 589 1 432 11.0

Online store sales (euro thousands, included in the sales of brick-and-mortar restaurants)

1 725



Number of Kotipizza restaurants


Brick-and-mortar 182 165  
Shop-in-shop 100 97  

Restaurants offering home delivery



The Chalupa chain's monthly sales

December 2018 2017 Change (%)
Monthly sales (euro thousands) 211 176 20.0

Number of Chalupa restaurants



The Social Burgerjoint restaurant's monthly sales

December 2018 2017 Change (%)
Monthly sales (euro thousands) 452 78 479.7

Number of Social Burgerjoint restaurants
4 1  

The No Pizza restaurant's monthly sales

December 2018    
Monthly sales (thousand euros) 70    

Kotipizza Group Oyj
Tommi Tervanen, CEO

For more information:
Tommi Tervanen, CEO
tel. +358 207 716 743

Timo Pirskanen, CFO and Deputy to the CEO
tel. +358 207 716 747

Kotipizza Group in brief
Kotipizza is a Finnish pizza chain founded in 1987. At the end of financial year 2017, the number of restaurants stood at 266. In the financial year 2017, the total sales of Kotipizza restaurants amounted to EUR 106.3 million. The Kotipizza chain and Kotipizza Oyj operating the chain are part of the Kotipizza Group, alongside the supply and logistics company Helsinki Foodstock Oy, Chalupa Oy that operates the Mexican-style restaurant chain Chalupa, The Social Burger Joint Oy that operates the Social Burgerjoint restaurant chain, as well as the No Pizza restaurant concept, aimed for international markets, that opened its first restaurant in June 2018.

In the financial year 2017, Helsinki Foodstock had net sales of EUR 64.2 million and the total sales of Chalupa restaurants were EUR 1.86 million. In the same period, the Kotipizza Group had net sales of EUR 79.9 million with a comparable EBITDA of EUR 8.52 million.


Release Kotipizza chain sales December 2018


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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