NNIT A/S: 5/2019 Resolutions from the annual general meeting of NNIT A/S

Udgivet den 07-03-2019  |  kl. 14:32  |  

Company announcement 5/2019
Søborg/Copenhagen, March 7, 2019

Resolutions from the annual general meeting of NNIT A/S

Today, NNIT A/S held its annual general meeting, at which the following were adopted:

Financial year 2018 and 2019

The Company's audited annual report 2018 was adopted.Distribution of profit according to the adopted annual report 2018 was adopted. The dividend will be DKK 2.60 per share of a nominal value of DKK 10.The remuneration of the Board of Directors for 2019 was adopted.The Company's revised Remuneration Policy was adopted.


Re-election of Carsten Dilling as Chairman of the Board of Directors and re-election of Peter Haahr as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Re-election of Anne Broeng, Caroline Serfass, Christian Kanstrup and Eivind Kolding as members of the Board of Directors. Re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as the Company's auditor. 

Shares and capital

Authorization to the Board of Directors to in the period until the annual general meeting in 2020 approve the acquisition of treasury shares with a total nominal value of up to 10% of the share capital, subject to the Company's holding of treasury share not exceeding 10% of the share capital. 

Composition of the Board of Directors and committees
After the annual general meeting, the elected Board of Directors held a Board meeting to appoint members of its Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee.

The Board decided that the Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee shall be composed as follows:

Carsten Dilling (Chairman of the Board of Directors and member of the Remuneration Committee)Peter Haahr (Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and member of the Remuneration Committee)Anne Broeng (member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee)Christian Kanstrup (member of the Board of Directors and member of the Audit Committee)Eivind Kolding (member of the Board of Directors, member of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee)Caroline Serfass (member of the Board)Anders Vidstrup (employee representative)Brankica Markovic (employee representative)Trine Io Bjerregaard (employee representative)

Contact for further information
Investor relations:
Klaus Hosbond Skovrup
Head of Investor Relations:
+45 3079 5355

Media contacts:
Helga Heyn
NNIT Communications
Tel: +45 3077 8141

About NNIT
NNIT A/S is one of Denmark's leading IT service providers and consultancies. NNIT A/S offers a wide range of IT services and solutions to its customers, primarily in the life sciences sector in Denmark and internationally and to customers in the public, enterprise and finance sectors in Denmark. As of December 31, 2018 NNIT A/S had 3,214 employees. NNIT has approximately 400 clients of which around 150 are located outside Denmark. Some 20% are international life sciences clients (December, 2018).

For more information please visit www.nnit.com



05 20190307 Resolutions from the Annual General Meeting EN


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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