SKAKO Vibration A/S enters into negotiations to acquire the Spanish company Dartek Proyectos y Maquinara S.L.L.

Udgivet den 23-04-2019  |  kl. 16:21  |  

To NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S

                                                                                                             Faaborg, 23 April 2019
                                                                                       Company announcement No. 4/2019

SKAKO Vibration A/S enters into negotiations to acquire the Spanish company Dartek Proyectos y Maquinara S.L.L.

On 23 April 2019 SKAKO Vibration A/S and the Spanish company Dartek Proyectos y Maquinara, S.L.L. have signed a Letter of Intent for Dartek to join the SKAKO Group in 2019. Dartek is currently the sales representative of SKAKO Vibration in Spain but also develops and sells its own range of products for the recycling industry. SKAKO Vibration already markets some Dartek products for the recycling industry through its own sales network.

We have been working with Dartek for many years, and we are very happy that they have agreed to join the SKAKO group, explains Lionel Girieud, Director of SKAKO Vibration, and continues: Dartek has acquired very strong competences in vibratory handling equipment for the solid bulk recycling sector (slags, tyres, household wastes, etc.) which is one of our strategic focus areas. In addition to our expert centre focused on the automotive and fastener industries in Denmark and the centre focused on the mining and steel industry in France, SKAKO Vibration customers will now benefit from a third centre focused on equipment for the recycling industry where we will also be able to test products and develop tailor-made solutions to better meet our customers' specific needs. Dartek is a Spanish company with an annual turnover of around EUR 4 million, primarily in Spain. Dartek's integration into the SKAKO Group will enable its products to reach a much wider market and develop new synergies with SKAKO Vibration. We believe that this will be beneficial for both SKAKO Vibration, Dartek and the customers in both companies.

The agreement to integrate Dartek into the SKAKO Group has not yet been fully completed, and negotiations are still ongoing. We expect to complete the negotiations in Q3 2019.

Best regards

Jens Wittrup Willumsen
Chairman of the Board
Phone: + 45 2347 5640


SKAKO Vibration AS enters into negotiations to acquire the Spanish company Dartek Proyectos y Maquinara S.L.L.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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