Poppulo to arm COVID-19 healthcare crisis teams with communication firepower for frontline workers

Udgivet den 07-04-2020  |  kl. 17:16  |  

CEO Andrew O'Shaughnessy says the company wants to do everything we can to support these heroic people

CORK, Ireland, April 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Essential communication technology is being made available free of charge to COVID-19 healthcare crisis teams in their battle against the pandemic.

Public health services around the world are being offered the critical communication firepower by Poppulo - a global leader in employee communications technology - to connect with their frontline workers and first responders.

Ireland's national public health service, the Health Service Executive, has already taken up the offer for its COVID-19 communication team.

Poppulo CEO, Andrew O'Shaughnessy, said the company was in the privileged position that its platform was designed for the type of urgent communications public healthcare crisis teams need right now, and it wanted to help in any way possible.

The company has fast-tracked set-up processes so that crisis teams can get up and running quickly.

Every day, communications to over 25 million employees in over 900 companies across 100+ countries are sent through Poppulo, and over the past few weeks, tens of millions of those communications have been related to the COVID-19 crisis.

For crisis teams, it's critical to be able to get the right information to the right people at the right time, and not burden already overwhelmed frontline workers with communications that are not relevant to them. The crisis teams also need to be able to get instant feedback from the coalface.

For frontline workers in the turmoil and uncertainty of a crisis, it's imperative they can rely on getting the most up-to-date information they need to know from trusted sources, through email or mobile app no matter where they are at any time.

This is what Poppulo was designed to do and how COVID-19 teams can use it.

"Working with big multinational organizations every day, we know how to get the communications needed by frontline staff in place rapidly and want to do everything we can to help these heroic people," said Mr. O'Shaughnessy.

Contact for media queries: Tim Vaughan: tvaughan@poppulo.comHealthcare Crisis Teams can find out more here

About Poppulo

Shaping the future of employee communications
When many of the world's most successful organizations - including GSK, Aon, Telefonica, Honda, and CDK Global - want to solve complex employee communication and engagement challenges with their large international workforces, they look to Poppulo.

Custom-built software designed for the internal communications sector enables organizations to plan, target, publish and measure the impact of their communications across multiple digital channels - email, mobile, video, social networks, all on one platform.

Just as easily, employee sentiment can quickly and regularly be assessed using the same technology.

Poppulo is based in Cork, Ireland, and its USA headquarters is in Boston, MA.

For more information: poppulo.com



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