Private placement of existing shares and major shareholder announcement

Udgivet den 14-09-2020  |  kl. 20:25  |  

Company announcement no. 32 - 20
14 September 2020

Private placement of existing shares and major shareholder announcement

NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S (NTG) has been informed that a private placement comprising a total of approximately 3.3 million shares in NTG has been made to Danish and Nordic institutional investors. The selling shareholders participating in the private placement include Holdingselskabet af 7. marts 2019 ApS, owned by certain minority shareholders and employees in NTG and its subsidiaries as well as certain current and former members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management, H5 Capital ApS, the holding company of Jørgen Hansen, founder, former CEO and current board member of NTG, ML Invest Køge ApS, the holding company of Michael Larsen, Group CEO of NTG, as well as certain minority shareholders in NTG. The private placement broadens the shareholder base of NTG to a number of institutional investors and increases the free float in the share.

"We are pleased to observe the interest in the NTG share from reputable Danish and Nordic institutional investors. As a result of the private placement, the free float in the NTG share has been further strengthened since the listing of NTG's shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen in October 2019", says Eivind Kolding, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Danske Bank and Nordea acted as bookrunners in connection with the private placement.

Major shareholder announcement
Pursuant to Section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, NTG hereby announces the receipt of notification pursuant to Section 38 of the Danish Capital Markets Act from H5 Capital ApS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of H5 Holding A/S, a holding company of founder and board member Jørgen Hansen and his descendants, that H5 Capital ApS have today as part of a private placement sold 1,819,062 shares in NTG each with a nominal value of DKK 20.

Following settlement of the transaction, H5 Capital ApS holds 3,851,993 shares corresponding to 17.01% of the total share capital and the total voting rights in NTG. The position at the previous notification was 25.32% of the total share capital and the total voting rights in NTG.

Additional information

For additional information, please contact:

Investor relations
Christian D. Jakobsen, Group CFO                                     +45 76 32 09 89
Mathias Jensen-Vinstrup, Group Director                        +45 76 32 09 90


Company announcement no. 32-20


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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