AND (Ticker: AND.AS) Launches its new Outdoor Venue Plan Service

Udgivet den 16-09-2020  |  kl. 08:19  |  

Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, 16 September 2020 - AND is pleased to announce the launch of its new Outdoor Venue Plan Service. 

Putting to use its 20+ years of experience within competitive location- aware content creation, curation and delivery, AND has created a new service that will enable outdoor venues owners to greatly enhance their customers' and visitors' experience.   

The Outdoor Venue Plan service is a turn-key solution, which converts any venue plan into a new and interactive version, which is accessible both online and on the move. 

Based on our own market research and feedback received, we identified the fact that large venue owners would like to not only improve their visitors' ability to maneuver around the venue or site, but also to make it safer. With our service, the venue owner just needs to provide us with the existing venue plan and the highly skilled AND's production team will digitize, geo-reference and host the venue plan on a dedicated website, which is available 24/7. Visitors will then be able to easily see where they are, find their way around and get directions to all of the various amenities across the site on their smartphone. 

This venue plan service is free to customers and visitors and it doesn't require any app installation.  All they have to do is to open the link provided on a standard browser such as Chrome or Safari. 

Key Features include: 

Accurate digitized and geo-referenced site plan  Customizable colours and style as per venue owner's requirements  Site map delivered with a global map, thus facilitating general orientation and location beyond the venue   Unique URL created alongside a QR code to access the venue plan without effort Visitors access the plan by following the link or QR code on their internet browser  Map navigation, search and zoom functionality provided   Search functionality based on the specific amenities or grid   Following options can be added:    a safety themed layer such as COVID-routing, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, AED's etc. can be added On site "turn by turn" navigation Can be combined with other AND's High Alert Zones products 

Thierry Jaccoud, CEO at AND said : "Our new  Outdoor Venue Plan service is a natural extension of AND's MapTiler services. In our market research, we found that the limited technical know-how of outdoor venue owners is a big hurdle to creating location-aware solutions for their visitors and customers. The growing need for the ultimate customer experience and increased safety requirements due to COVID also within outdoor venues have driven us to offer a complete and affordable turn-key solution for those venues. We think that this is ideal for medium to large venues such as campsites, holiday parks or industrial areas and company campuses as the searchable map gives outdoor venue visitors a true "last mile" experience and also opens up a new channel of communications to venue owners."    

To find out more about our Outdoor Venue Plan Service and see a demo please visit or call us on +31-10 8851200 


About AND 

AND is an innovative location-aware content and service provider. Our focus is to create and deliver market leading, relevant, innovative and tailored content which fosters a safer and more sustainable world. Using smart technology, we constantly enrich and update our global database and offer an end-to-end portfolio of location-aware products and services. 

Press Relations contact:  

Caroline Bombart, Head of Marketing  

Tel +31 (0)10 885 1207 


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