REMI - Reducing Emissions through Machine Intelligence

Udgivet den 30-09-2020  |  kl. 15:00  |  

The Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute launches a program to support energy and agriculture companies accelerate AI adoption

EDMONTON, Alberta, Sept. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) has launched registration for the first cohort of the REMI program, Reducing Emissions through Machine Intelligence. The program, made possible through a $5-M investment from the Government of Alberta's Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) system, will enable companies to leverage novel applications of artificial intelligence (AI) for projects that will have a measurable impact on emissions reduction in Alberta. Applications for the first cohort (Energy 1) will close on October 2, 2020. For more information and to apply, visit

The program is designed to progress companies, from startups to small and medium businesses to multinational corporations, along the AI Adoption Spectrum, focusing on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects. Applications are now open for the three-phase program:

Ph. 1 - Foundations: Participants gain foundational AI knowledge and create a roadmap for potential AI projects focused on GHG reduction. This programming phase includes hands-on training opportunities and facilitated sessions with a multi-disciplinary team of project managers, scientists, educators and domain experts.

Ph. 2 - Commitments: Companies define, specify and scope a machine learning (ML) project; and mitigate the risk of introducing AI and ML projects into various operations, processes and business lines.

Ph. 3 - GHG Reduction: Teams advance a selected ML emission reduction project to a proof-of-concept model, and upon graduation, can broadly apply new skills and knowledge in AI and ML to further increase business effectiveness in areas outside of emission reduction.

Companies with established GHG reduction plans, technology adoption strategic initiatives, and the corresponding assets, can qualify for advance approval to complete all three phases through an elite pathway. All interested companies are welcome to apply for phase 1 intake with future eligibility determined as the program progress.

"Alberta's core industries - from oil and gas to agriculture to transportation - have always been on the leading edge when it comes to protecting the environment. We have the expertise right here at home to continue this legacy - and injecting $5 million from the industry-funded TIER system into machine learning to prevent emission is one more way we're showing the world we are the best and only getting better," says Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks. "This is just one more way we're shoring up additional investment and building on the already impressive environmental track record of the sectors that have kept Alberta in business for decades."

"For nearly two decades, Alberta has held a role as a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning research, and now is the time to harness this investment to create opportunities for our shared future.

Our mission, artificial intelligence for good and for all, is at the heart of our REMI program. The program is structured to jumpstart and accelerate your company's AI adoption journey while focusing on business areas that positively impact our society," says CEO Cam Linke.

The REMI program looks at applying AI technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with an explicit intention to influence and build capacity in companies as they look to use AI to improve safety, operations, integrity performance, and increase economic earnings in the future in a sustainable manner.

"The investment from the TIER program provides an opportunity to create a community of sector leaders that have shared goals related to environmental, social and cost-reducing performance," says COO Kirk Rockwell.

"For the Energy cohort pilot beginning in November, the Government of Alberta's contributions empower us to subsidize participation for Alberta-based startups and SMEs substantially. AI capacity building by industry will have long-term positive impacts on our province's economic recovery. The REMI program is a vital first step for dozens of energy-based businesses that have weathered a turbulent 2020."

In addition to the November 2020 energy cohort, applications are also open for the spring 2021 agricultural cohort and the summer 2021 energy cohort 2.

Key Program Dates

September 9, 2020: Program applications open (energy cohorts 1 & 2 and agriculture cohort)October 2, 2020: Energy cohort 1 applications closeMarch 1, 2021: Agriculture applications closeJuly 26, 2021: Energy cohort 2 applications close

About Amii

One of Canada's three centres of AI excellence as part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, Amii (the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute) is an Alberta-based non-profit institute that supports world-leading research in artificial intelligence and machine learning and translates scientific advancement into industry adoption. Amii grows AI capacity through advancing leading-edge research, delivering exceptional educational offerings and providing business advice - all with the goal of building in-house AI capabilities. For more information, visit

Spencer Murray
Marketing and Communications
t. 587.415.6100 ext 109


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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