ProMIS Neurosciences' Dr. Neil Cashman CSO, to Speak at 2020 ALS ONE Research Symposium

Udgivet den 30-10-2020  |  kl. 10:30  |  

Data supporting antibody and intrabody candidates that selectively target toxic TDP-43 while preserving normal protein highlighted

TORONTO and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProMIS Neurosciences, Inc. (TSX: PMN) (OTCQB: ARFXF), a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of antibody therapeutics targeting toxic oligomers implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, announced today that co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Neil Cashman will deliver a presentation titled "TDP-43 Misfolding-Specific Antibodies in Treatment of TDP-43 Mediated Diseases" on November 5th at the virtual ALS ONE Research Symposium. The results to be presented highlight the use of the ProMIS drug discovery and development platform to generate both antibody and intrabody therapeutic candidates that selectively target misfolded toxic TDP-43 while preserving the important physiological function of the normal form of the protein.

Misfolded forms of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) are implicated as a root cause in a spectrum of diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and other neurologic disorders. In his presentation, Dr. Cashman will discuss data showing that several ProMIS monoclonal antibody (mAb) candidates can inhibit the extracellular cell-to-cell spread of misfolding TDP-43 while intrabodies derived from the mAbs can act intracellularly to significantly reduce toxic TDP-43 aggregates inside the cell.

"Our data demonstrate the unique ability of our antibody and intrabody candidates to selectively target toxic TDP-43 protein aggregates without affecting normal TDP-43," said Dr. Neil Cashman. "They represent a promising first step in the eventual development of a safe and effective therapy for ALS, FTD and other TDP-43-driven disorders. They also validate--once again--the strength and versatility of the ProMIS drug discovery and development platform, which has generated several highly selective antibodies, intrabodies and vaccine and diagnostic candidates that are uniquely able to selectively bind to complex target protein structures. We look forward to sharing our TDP-43 findings with the ALS research community dedicated to bringing us closer to an effective treatment for this devastating disease."

The ALS ONE Research Symposium will take place virtually on November 4-5, 2020 and bring together world-leading ALS researchers, doctors and care practitioners focused on finding treatments for ALS and novel approaches to improve care and quality of life for those battling the disease. For more information or to register, visit

About ProMIS Neurosciences
ProMIS Neurosciences, Inc. is a development stage biotechnology company whose unique core technology is the ability to rationally predict the site and shape (conformation) of novel targets known as Disease Specific Epitopes (DSEs) on the molecular surface of proteins. In neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, ALS and Parkinson's disease, the DSEs are misfolded regions on toxic forms of otherwise normal proteins. In the infectious disease setting, these DSEs represent peptide antigens that can be used as an essential component to create accurate and sensitive serological assays to detect the presence of antibodies that arise in response to a specific infection, such as COVID-19. ProMIS proprietary peptide antigens can also be used to create potential therapeutic antibodies, as well as serve as the basis for development of vaccines. ProMIS is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, with offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts. ProMIS is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol PMN, and on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol ARFXF.

Visit us at, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. To learn more about protein misfolding diseases, listen to Episodes 11, 24, of Saving Minds, a podcast available at iTunes or Spotify.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Shanti Skiffington
Tel. 617 921-0808

For Investor Relations, please contact:
Alpine Equity Advisors
Nicholas Rigopulos, President
Tel. 617 901-0785

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