Major Shareholder Announcement

Udgivet den 20-11-2020  |  kl. 17:16  |  

Company Announcement

Copenhagen, 20 November 2020
No. 23/2020

ISS A/S (ISS.CO, ISS DC, ISSDY), a leading workplace experience and facility management company, hereby announces the receipt of the attached notification pursuant to section 38(1) of the Danish Capital Markets Act from BlackRock, Inc. that its aggregate indirect holding of shares has increased to 5.01% of the share capital and voting rights in ISS A/S and thus, its aggregate indirect holding of shares and financial instruments represents 5.50% of the share capital and voting rights in ISS A/S.

About ISS
ISS is a leading workplace experience and facility management company. In partnership with customers, ISS drives the engagement and well-being of people, minimises the impact on the environment, and protects and maintains property. ISS brings all of this to life through a unique combination of data, insight and service excellence at offices, factories, airports, hospitals and other locations across the globe. In 2019, ISS Group's global revenue amounted to DKK 76.6 billion. For more information on the ISS Group, visit

ISS A/S, ISIN DK0060542181, ISIN US4651472056   
ISS Global A/S, ISIN XS2013618421, ISIN XS1330300341, ISIN XS1145526825, ISIN XS1673102734
ISS Finance B.V.  ISIN XS2199343513


232020 - ISS Announcement - Major Shareholder Announcement


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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