Verisk Reinforces Its Customer First Approach, Expands Medallia Relationship

Udgivet den 01-12-2020  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Increases Insights that Foster Real Time Innovation, Cultivate Customer Loyalty

JERSEY CITY, NJ, Dec. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As part of its commitment to continuously improve the customer experience, Verisk (Nasdaq:VRSK), a leading global data analytics provider serving the insurance, energy, and financial services markets, today announced an expanded relationship with Medallia (NYSE:MDLA), a leading provider of engagement technology for customers, employees, and citizens.

With the expanded relationship, the Verisk team will have access to Medallia's customer and employee engagement solutions, ideation crowdsourcing tool, and customer success platform. These tools will help the Verisk team more quickly understand customer trends and challenges, and identify real-time advancements that can cultivate customer value and loyalty. 

"Verisk is guided by a 'customer first' approach. Combining our AI technology with Medallia's solutions will make it easier and faster for us to introduce our customers' feedback into the design process," said Scott Stephenson, Verisk president and CEO. "Our customer experience strategy is driven by a continual loop of product innovation, enhancement, and refinement. What better way to shape and advance our solutions than by listening to and applying insights from those who use them most?"

The expanded Medallia footprint reflects Verisk's commitment to continuously enhance customer experience across its enterprise. With the insights gleaned from the additional analytic capabilities, Verisk will have a stronger understanding of how customers interact with its solutions, and be equipped to better serve and anticipate their needs.

"When you combine the power of a leading customer and employee experience platform, with an ideation solution and customer success tools, you have a solution set that can drive business growth, even in current times," said Leslie Stretch, Medallia CEO. "Verisk is a recognized innovator in the data analytics space. Our work together will uncover new insights that can help Verisk make immediate improvements and provide its customers with the best experience."

About Medallia

Medallia (NYSE:MDLA) is the pioneer and market leader in Experience Management. Medallia's award-winning SaaS platform, the Medallia Experience Cloud, leads the market in the understanding and management of experience for customers, employees and citizens. Medallia captures experience signals created on daily journeys in person, on calls and digital channels, over video and social media and IoT interactions and applies proprietary AI technology to reveal personalized and predictive insights that can drive action with tremendous business results. Using Medallia Experience Cloud, customers can reduce churn, turn detractors into promoters and buyers, create in-the-moment cross-sell and up-sell opportunities and drive revenue-impacting business decisions, providing clear and potent returns on investment.

About Verisk

Verisk (Nasdaq:VRSK) is a leading data analytics provider serving customers in insurance, energy and specialized markets, and financial services. Using advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records, Verisk draws on unique data assets and deep domain expertise to provide first-to-market innovations that are integrated into customer workflows. Verisk offers predictive analytics and decision support solutions to customers in rating, underwriting, claims, catastrophe and weather risk, global risk analytics, natural resources intelligence, economic forecasting, and many other fields. Around the world, Verisk helps customers protect people, property, and financial assets. Headquartered in Jersey City, N.J., Verisk operates in 30 countries and is a member of Standard & Poor's S&P 500® Index and part of the Nasdaq 100 Index. For more information, please visit


Brett Garrison
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Valerie Beaudett
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Carolyn Bass


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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