NOVA Chemicals and Revolution Team Up to Meet Demand for Recycled Plastic

Udgivet den 10-12-2020  |  kl. 18:36  |  

New Supply of PCR for Flexible Packaging Available January 2021

Calgary, Alberta, Canada , Dec. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVA Chemicals Corporation ("NOVA Chemicals") and Revolution today announced an agreement for NOVA Chemicals to sell recycled low / linear low-density polyethylene (r(L)LDPE) produced by Revolution. The agreement marks Revolution's exclusive partnership with a resin manufacturer and builds NOVA Chemicals' portfolio of post-consumer resin (PCR) offerings for its customers.

Revolution manufactures plastic films for a variety of consumer and industrial products and packaging, which they recapture after use to recycle and reuse in new products. This agreement will utilize a portion of this "closed-loop" plastic. NOVA Chemicals will begin to provide these resins in January 2021.

"Working with Revolution, a company that shares our passion for advancing the circular economy, we will further widen our product offerings for recycled plastics," said Luis Sierra, president and CEO, NOVA Chemicals. "Together we will offer a portfolio of PCR that is available immediately to enable our customers and brand owners to meet their sustainability goals."

Per the New Plastics Economy Global Commitments 2019 Progress Report, demand for PCR is expected to increase fivefold by 2025 (from a 2018 baseline) as brand owners work to reach ambitious goals for recycled content in packaging.  NOVA Chemicals will be offering a number of r(L)LDPE grades from Revolution with different melt indexes and densities to help bridge the gap. The grades are ideal for use in flexible packaging applications such as heavy duty sack, shrink and stretch wrap, agricultural film, poly mailers and pouches, as well as a range of molded goods.

"We're thrilled to collaborate with NOVA Chemicals to help more customers looking for high quality post-consumer recycled content," said Sean Whiteley, CEO, Revolution. "Creating a circular economy for plastics is at the core our company's mission. For more than 20 years, we've been putting high quality PCR back into new flexible packaging, and we are excited to expand the positive sustainability impact to more applications with NOVA Chemicals."

In addition to recycled resins, NOVA Chemicals also offers technical support to help customers incorporate PCR into applications while meeting rigorous performance requirements. NOVA Chemicals' dedicated PCR team has extensive PCR expertise coupled with technical facilities at the company's Innovation Centres which are equipped with industry-leading production, conversion and test equipment.

"The relationship we've built with Revolution will have a significant impact on the market for recycled plastics," said Greg DeKunder, vice president, polyethylene marketing, NOVA Chemicals. "Joining forces enables NOVA Chemicals to be a one-stop shop for our customers' PCR needs, and to provide the peace of mind that comes with buying from NOVA Chemicals."

To learn more about this agreement and NOVA Chemicals' focus on the PCR market, please visit


About NOVA Chemicals 
NOVA Chemicals develops and manufactures chemicals and plastic resins that make everyday life safer, healthier and easier. Our employees work to ensure health, safety, security and environmental stewardship through our commitment to sustainability and Responsible Care®. NOVA Chemicals, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is wholly-owned, ultimately by Mubadala Investment Company of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

About Revolution
Headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, Revolution Believes in Better Plastics that help preserve our environment for future generations. Spanning nearly every industry, the company's family of brands deliver sustainable, high-quality plastic products to both consumers and companies alike. Its brands include Delta Plastics, Revolution Bag, Revolution Ag, Rodeo Plastics, Polar Plastics, and Command. The focus in all areas is to create sustainable circular solutions and use as much post-consumer resin as possible in all products manufactured.  For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:

NOVA Chemicals Media Relations
Andie Stiles
Trade PR Manager

NOVA Chemicals Investor Relations
Patty Masry
Financial Reporting & Investor Relations Manager

Revolution Media Relations
Dana Dowdy
Director of Marketing


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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