RoodMicrotec N.V. announces refinancing of the bond loan from 2014

Udgivet den 31-12-2020  |  kl. 06:47  |  

Deventer, 31st December 2020 - RoodMicrotec N.V., a leading independent company for semiconductors supply and quality services, today announces the complete refinancing of the bond loan issued in 2014. A group of long time investors ('the Lenders') will provide the refinancing in the amount of EUR 2.6 million to the Company. RoodMicrotec's management ('the Management') will participate in the refinancing to show their confidence in the Company's business plans and future projects, Martin Sallenhag with EUR 60,000 and Arvid Ladega with EUR 15,000.

The refinancing comprises the following key elements:

A loan of EUR 2.6 million with a duration of 36 months will be granted to RoodMicrotec N.V. ('the Borrower'). The loan will have a 4.75% p/a interest that shall be paid quarterly.The loan is unsecured, provided that in the event of a default the Lenders (other than the Management) may require the Borrower to grant a first ranking right of mortgage on property of the Borrower's subsidiary RoodMicrotec GmbH in Nördlingen; and a first ranking right of pledge on other fixed assets of the Borrower's subsidiary RoodMicrotec GmbH, located in Nördlingen and Stuttgart.The closing date for this refinancing will be the 31st March 2021, when the current bond loan from 2014 in the amount of EUR 2.5 million listed at NPEX will be repaid in full to the bond-holders.The Borrower will grant a total number of 7,485,000 non-listed 5-year warrants ('the Warrants') to the Lenders (except the Management). Each Warrant shall entitle the relevant Lender or subsequent holder of the Warrants to subscribe for one ordinary share in the capital of the Company at a subscription price of EUR 0.15, to be paid in cash upon exercise. Of the Warrants issued, 1/3 shall be issued on a non-conditional basis with a vesting period of 1 year, 1/3 shall be issued conditional upon the amount of the secured loan that shall be outstanding on the first anniversary of completion and 1/3 shall be issued conditional upon the amount of the secured loan that shall be outstanding on the second anniversary of completion. As no warrants shall be granted to the Management, it shall be entitled to 6.75% p/a interest on the loan.

"As promised in the extraordinary bondholders meeting held on the 6th May 2020 we have now realized a solution for the refinancing of the bond loan issued in 2014. It is with great pleasure that we now can announce this solution which will give the management of the Company a sound debt financing base for the next three years. By granting warrants to the Lenders, we have been able to reduce the interest rate significantly which will improve the yearly results of the Company." says Vic Tee, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RoodMicrotec N.V. "I would also like to express my gratitude to the international investors as well as the current bondholders that have supported the Company by participating in the bond loan."


Financial calendar 2021

28th January 2021 Publication (preliminary) annual revenue 2020
22nd April 2021 Publication annual report 2020
22nd April 2021 Conference call for financial press and analysts
22nd April 2021 Trading update quarter 1-2021
10th June 2021 Annual general meeting of shareholders
22nd  July 2021 Publication interim report on the first half-year 2021
22nd July 2021 Conference call for financial press and analysts
14th October 2021 Trading update quarter 3-2021

About RoodMicrotec

RoodMicrotec is a leading independent company for semiconductor supply and quality services. With 50 years of experience in the semiconductor and electronics industry, RoodMicrotec is well-established as a highly valued partner for many companies worldwide. The company provides full-turnkey ASIC services for complex microchips that are customized to handle specific applications for individual customers. In cooperation with strong partners, RoodMicrotec manages the entire development and production flow of ASICs in the target volume, ranging from low quantities up to multiple millions per year. The turnkey solution includes project management, wafer test, assembly, final test, qualification, failure analysis and logistics. All services comply with the industrial and quality requirements of the high reliability, aerospace, automotive, healthcare and industrial sectors. RoodMicrotec's headquarter is located in Deventer, Netherlands, with operational units in Nördlingen and Stuttgart, Germany.

For more information visit

Further information

Martin Sallenhag - CEO, Arvid Ladega - CFO
Telephone: +31 570 745623           Email:       Web:

This press release is published in English only.


2020 12 31_Refinancing Bond Loan_E


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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