Novo Nordisk A/S - Share repurchase programme

Udgivet den 25-01-2021  |  kl. 13:42  |  

Novo Nordisk A/S - Share repurchase programme

Bagsværd, Denmark, 25 January 2021 - On 3 November 2020, Novo Nordisk initiated a share repurchase programme in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (MAR) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (the Safe Harbour Rules). This programme is part of the overall share repurchase programme of up to DKK 17 billion to be executed during a 12-month period beginning 5 February 2020.

Under the programme initiated 3 November 2020, Novo Nordisk will repurchase B shares for an amount up to DKK 2.7 billion in the period from 4 November 2020 to 1 February 2021.

Since the announcement as of 18 January 2021, the following transactions have been made:

  Number of
B shares
purchase price
value, DKK
Accumulated, last announcement 5,215,000   2,226,954,247
18 January 2021 105,000 441.75 46,383,868
19 January 2021 105,000 448.24 47,065,679
20 January 2021 105,000 444.93 46,717,635
21 January 2021 105,000 445.37 46,763,833
22 January 2021 105,000 442.67 46,479,877
Accumulated under the programme 5,740,000   2,460,365,140

The details for each transaction made under the share repurchase programme are published on

With the transactions stated above, Novo Nordisk owns a total of 39,263,659 B shares of DKK 0.20 as treasury shares, corresponding to 1.7% of the share capital. The total amount of A and B shares in the company is 2,350,000,000 including treasury shares.

Novo Nordisk expects to repurchase B shares for an amount up to DKK 17 billion during a 12-month period beginning 5 February 2020. As of 22 January 2021, Novo Nordisk has since 5 February 2020 repurchased a total of 39,325,522 B shares at an average share price of DKK 425.27 per B share equal to a transaction value of DKK 16,723,794,610.

Novo Nordisk is a leading global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered in Denmark. Our purpose is to drive change to defeat diabetes and other serious chronic diseases such as obesity and rare blood and endocrine disorders. We do so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines and working to prevent and ultimately cure disease. Novo Nordisk employs about 44,000 people in 80 countries and markets its products in around 170 countries. Novo Nordisk's B shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Novo-B). Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NVO). For more information, visit, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Further information

Anne Margrethe Hauge +45 3079 3450
Michael Bachner (US) +1 609 664 7308
Daniel Muusmann Bohsen +45 3075 2175
Valdemar Borum Svarrer +45 3079 0301
Ann Søndermølle Rendbæk +45 3075 2253
Mark Joseph Root +45 3079 4211
Kristoffer Due Berg (US) +1 609 235 2989

Company announcement No 4 / 2021




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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