Heijmans nominates Arnout Traas as member of the Supervisory Board

Udgivet den 11-02-2021  |  kl. 17:00  |  

The Supervisory Board of Heijmans N.V. intends to nominate Arnout Traas (1959) as a new member of the Supervisory Board. The nomination is the result of the decision to temporarily expand the Supervisory Board to six members, in anticipation of the vacancy that will arise in April 2022 in accordance with the schedule of retirement by rotation. Timely appointment will ensure a solid transfer and onboarding.

Arnout Traas was employed by FrieslandCampina from 2001 to 2011, his latest position being Director M&A. After that he was CFO with ForFarmers until April 2020. In addition to that he has held various supervisory positions. The Supervisory Board is convinced that Arnout Traas will make a valuable contribution to both the Supervisory Board and Heijmans.

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on 14 April 2021, Arnout Traas will be nominated as member of the Supervisory Board of Heijmans N.V. for a period of four years. The Works Council supports the nomination of Arnout Traas.

In advance of his official appointment, Arnout Traas will commence working on his onboarding programme effective mid-February 2021.

About Heijmans
Everyone wants clean air, to live in a nice neighbourhood, to work in a good workplace and to be able to travel safely from A to B. By making things better, more sustainable and smarter, Heijmans is creating that healthy living environment. Jan Heijmans started as a road builder in 1923. Today, Heijmans is a stock exchange-listed company that combines activities in property development, building & technology and infrastructure. In addition to this, we work safely and we add value to the places where we are active. This is how we build the spatial contours of tomorrow together with our clients: www.heijmans.nl/en/

For more information / not for publication: 

Jeroen van den Berk
+31 73 543 52 17

Guido Peters
Investor Relations
+ 31 73 543 52 17



Full press release


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