Incap Corporation: Incap appoints new Managing Director to Incap Electronics Slovakia

Udgivet den 04-03-2021  |  kl. 10:00  |  

Incap Corporation
Press release on 4 March 2021 at 12.00 p.m. EET

Incap Corporation has made a new appointment to its team, promoting the current Plant Director of Incap Electronics Slovakia to the position of Managing Director.

The company has decided to promote Miroslav Michalik to the position of Managing Director of Incap Slovakia. Miroslav Michalik has been employed by Incap Slovakia (previously AWS Slovakia) since 2018, working as a Plant Director at the company's factory in Namestovo.

"I am pleased to see Miroslav Michalik move into the Managing Director position of our factory in Slovakia. His previous role as plant manager proved that he'd be a great fit for leading the operations at Incap Slovakia, says Otto Pukk, President and CEO of Incap Group.

Miroslav Michalik studied electronics at secondary school and went on to study production and general management at degree-level. Before joining Incap, he held several roles in companies within the electronics sector, from process engineer to plant manager and managing director.

"I have worked in the electronics sector for my entire professional career. I am honored to have been entrusted with this new responsibility which encourages me to continue in my mission to develop the entire company to be customer-oriented and performance-driven," said Miroslav Michalik.

Before holding positions at Incap and AWS Group, Miroslav Michalik held the position of managing director at Giesecke+Devrient Slovakia, providing smart payment, ID, passport, and telecommunication card solutions. Prior to that, Miroslav Michalik was a plant manager at Visteon (formerly Johnson Controls Automotive), providing solutions for automotive electronics and infotainment. He also held several positions, including operational manager and team director, at the multinational electronics manufacturing services company, Celestica.

Incap's factory in Slovakia, based in Namestovo, provides a competitive-cost volume manufacturing option for its customers, in addition to featuring a dedicated hall for the automotive business. The factory has operated in the field of electronics manufacturing since 2008. With 5,200 square meters of total floor space and customers from companies all over the world, the factory brings together the high-level technical capabilities and leading-edge production technologies that are normally associated with multinationals, with a customer service approach that is based on offering a highly personalised service.


For additional information, please contact:
Otto Pukk, President and CEO at Incap Corporation, tel. +372 508 0798

Photo, Miroslav Michalik:


Incap Corporation is a trusted partner and full-service provider in Electronics Manufacturing Services. As a global EMS company, Incap supports customers ranging from large multinationals and mid-sized companies to small start-ups in their complete manufacturing value chain. Incap offers state-of-the-art technology backed up by an entrepreneurial culture and highly qualified personnel. The company has operations in Finland, Estonia, India, Slovakia, the UK, and Hong Kong and employs approximately 1,900 people. Incap's share has been listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd stock exchange since 1997.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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