Interim report - first quarter of 2021

Udgivet den 06-05-2021  |  kl. 09:23  |  

Thursday, Schouw & Co. released its interim report for the first quarter of 2021; strong Q1 performance with revenue and EBITDA improving.


Strong Q1 performance with revenue and EBITDA improvingReturn on invested capital (excluding goodwill) at a solid 15.9%After the end of the quarter, Borg Automotive agreed to acquire SBS AutomotiveRaising guidance for full-year revenue of about DKK 22.5 billion and EBITDA in the DKK 2,105-2,315 million range due to Fibertex Nonwovens, GPV, HydraSpecma and Borg Automotive.

Statement by Jens Bjerg Sørensen, President of Schouw & Co.

"Schouw & Co. is off to a very good start to 2021, reporting growth in both revenue and earnings. We are seeing the positive effects of previous years' investments in capacity and innovation, and we have a strong platform for sustained value creation.

Considerable market uncertainty remains, and especially shortages or actual lack of raw materials and components resulting in higher prices are weighing on prospects. We expect the situation to normalise as the year progresses, however.

Backed by our good start to the year, we are upgrading our full-year guidance."

Conference call (in English) in relation to the interim report

Thursday, 6 May 2021 at 15:30 CESTPhone number for participants (no pin required): DK: +4532714988, UK: +442030595869, US: +16313026547

Aktieselskabet Schouw & Co.

Jørn Ankær Thomsen, Chairman
Jens Bjerg Sørensen, President, tel. +45 8611 2222


2021Q1 Delårsrapport ENG


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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