Accumulus Synergy Appoint Francisco Nogueira as Chief Executive Officer

Udgivet den 13-05-2021  |  kl. 13:00  |  

Accumulus is the first non-profit corporation designed to establish a relationship between technology, policy and collaboration between drug developers, NGOs, academic institutions and government agencies

BURLINGAME, Calif., May 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accumulus Synergy, a non-profit corporation intended to support interactions between industry and health authorities worldwide to enable real-time collaboration and data exchange, today announced the appointment of Francisco (Frank) Nogueira as the new chief executive officer (CEO). Mr. Nogueira was previously a vice president of Regulatory Affairs at Roche and served as interim CEO at Accumulus since the fall of 2020.

Accumulus Synergy was formed on July 13, 2020, to develop a cloud-based platform to facilitate data and information sharing with the potential to transform the way the biopharmaceutical industry interacts with health authorities. The common-platform approach to data sharing aims to make the regulatory process more efficient by leveraging advanced technology and tools for data exchange to benefit patients, help reduce the cost of innovation and ultimately bring patients new safe and effective medicines faster.

"One of the learnings from the Covid-19 pandemic is that the biopharma world, including industry, academia and government, can move extremely rapidly in the face of an unprecedented crisis. To go from first sequencing of a new virus to multiple neutralizing antibodies and vaccines in under a year is truly remarkable. At Accumulus Synergy, the vision is to dramatically accelerate the delivery of critical therapies to the citizens of the world by reimagining the interaction and information exchange between stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem to streamline the regulatory lifecycle. These changes won't happen overnight, but I am confident that Accumulus Synergy will be have culture that is entrepreneurial, agile and fosters innovation. We will strive to be a magnet for top talent and diverse thinkers based on our social remit, ground-breaking technology and opportunity to make an impact for patients," said Mr. Nogueira.

"After an extensive search, the Board of Directors has concluded that Mr. Nogueira is the ideal candidate to lead the exciting vision of Accumulus Synergy. In his role as Interim CEO, Mr. Nogueira has demonstrated outstanding leadership and made excellent progress on key company goals. The Board will provide Mr. Nogueira with their full support in building a powerful organization that meets both the short-term goals and long-term aspirations," said Jeremy Chadwick, Ph.D., chairman of the Board of Directors at Accumulus Synergy and a senior vice president and head of Global Development Office at Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

The initial members of Accumulus Synergy include Amgen, Astellas, Bristol Myers Squibb, GSK, the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), Lilly, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, and Takeda, which have provided funding to support the platform and initial applications. 

About Francisco Nogueira

Having spent more than 20 years at Genentech and Roche, Mr. Nogueira was most recently vice president and Lifecycle Leader in Alzheimer's Disease where he was responsible for leading cross-functional team responsible for development and commercialization of a high priority (JEWEL) compound to treat Alzheimer's disease. Prior to that he was vice president, Product Development, which included leadership of 400+ FTEs in the Regulatory organization made up of medical writing, operations & labeling for Roches' molecule portfolio along with oversight of marketed products, with revenues exceeding 9 Billion Swiss Francs.                

Since 2011, Mr. Nogueira also served multiple Global Head positions, including Business and Strategy, Project and Portfolio Management, Regulatory Operations. As a global leader at Genentech, he was responsible for Data Transparency, Quality and Compliance, Organizational Development, Regulatory operations, Project & Portfolio Management with a senior leadership team. responsible for corporate level transparency of studies, learning and development, communications and change management, and strategic planning of Roche's portfolio and resource management.

Prior to joining Roche in 1999, he held the position of assistant treasurer at Deutsche Bank (formerly known as Bankers Trust Co. Mr. Nogueira received an Executive Master of Business Administration from Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, and a Bachelor of Arts in Earth Science from Kean University, Union, New Jersey.

About Accumulus Synergy

Funded by ten leading biopharma companies, the non-profit Accumulus Synergy, Inc. was formed in 2020 to create a cloud-based platform, to transform data sharing between the biopharma industry and global health authorities.  The common-platform approach aims to improve efficiencies in the regulatory process by leveraging advanced technology, including data science and AI, as well as tools for data exchange to improve patient safety, help reduce the cost of innovation, and ultimately bring patients safe and effective medicines faster. It will work with partner companies, key stakeholders, and global health authorities to build and sustain a platform that meets regulatory, cybersecurity, and privacy requirements spanning clinical, safety, chemistry and manufacturing, and regulatory exchanges and submissions. For more information, please visit

Media Contact: 

Paul Laland



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