Request for delisting approved by Nasdaq Copenhagen

Udgivet den 05-03-2024  |  kl. 15:24  |  

Copenhagen, March 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Announcement no. 5-2024

In company announcement 03-2024, Hypefactors informed about the submission of an application to delist from Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark. Nasdaq Copenhagen has today approved the delisting of the company's shares from trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark, following the process outlined in rule 2.6 in the Nasdaq First Growth Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares.

Nasdaq Copenhagen has verified that the last day of trading Hypefactors shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark will be 14 May 2024.


About Hypefactors A/S

Hypefactors is an AI based reputation and corporate trust technology company, providing a tech platform to support better media intelligence and reputation/trust management. Hypefactors combine data, analytics, technology, and tools to provide a unified and easy-to-use experience. With all the tools to automate and ease the work, and all the facts to document the results. In addition to media monitoring across the different media channels, the platform provides access to several facts, incl. automated documentation of the monetary value and quality assessment of each third-party media mention. The platform also contains other time-saving tools such as automatically generated media reports and a mobile app giving access to real-time media mentions. The company is listed at Nasdaq Growth Market in Copenhagen, Denmark.

For more information, please contact:

Casper Janns, CEO: +45 20167481, e-mail:

Martin Michael Hansen, Chairman of the Board: + 45 20871845, e-mail:

Hypefactors A/S
Kronprinsessegade 8B
1306 Copenhagen K

Certified Adviser
Beierholm Corporate Finance P/S
Østergade 26B
1100 København K
Kim Harpøth Jespersen, Partner, M +4552150243, e-mail:


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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