Convening of annual general meeting of Totalkredit A/S

Udgivet den 07-03-2024  |  kl. 09:00  |  

To Nasdaq Copenhagen

Convening of annual general meeting of Totalkredit A/S

Totalkredit A/S will hold its annual general meeting on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 10:00 at the Company's offices at Kalvebod Brygge 1-3, DK-1560 Copenhagen V.



The Directors' report on the Company's activities in the past year.

Presentation of the Annual Report 2023 for approval and resolution on the discharge of the Board of Directors and Executive Board.

Proposal for the appropriation of profit according to the approved Annual Report.

Election of members of the Board of Directors.

Appointment of auditors.

Remuneration matters, including the Remuneration Policy and remuneration report for approval.

Any other business.

The agenda of the Company's general meeting, the updated Remuneration Policy, the remuneration report as well as the Company's Annual Report will be available for inspection by the shareholders at the Company's address prior to the general meeting.

Item 4 on the agenda proposes re-election of Michael Rasmussen, David Hellemann and Anders Jensen and election of Pernille Sindby for the Board of Directors. The CV of Pernille Sindby is enclosed as Appendix 1.

As item 5 on the agenda the Board of Directors proposes re-appointment of EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab as auditors of the Company.

Admittance to the general meeting is subject to collection of an admission card at least three days prior to the general meeting.

It should be noted that Nykredit Realkredit A/S owns all the shares of the Company.

Copenhagen, 7 March 2024

Totalkredit A/S
Board of Directors

Questions may be addressed to Press Relations, tel +45 60 56 32 30.


Indkaldelse til OGF 2024 - Totalkredit_uk CV - Pernille Sindby_uk


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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